S.centralis aborted mating photo's

Phil Hall

Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
Well I tried to mate my female with one of my mature males tonight and it was interesting..
For the records she has laid 2 ooths already , the most recent about a week ago. Since then I have fattened her up and tonight I thought was to be the night. I placed the male on the table.

Then whilst she was still munching a cricket I placed her, one some wood, in front of him.

She was kind of in a weird position though...

They were both immediately aware of each other and both deadly still for about an hour. His antennae were touching her abdomen and she was pulsating slightly. The cricket remained unmunched.

Because of her awkward position I worried slightly for her wellbeing and decided to call it a night. Has anyone seen similar scenes, and did I do the right thing or should I have left them like this all night ?

ps the time betwenn the last 2 photo's was about 15 minutes , no movement whatsoever.
I'm trying to mate 2 H.lividum tomorrow night - wish me luck !!!



Old Timer
Nov 25, 2004
Whenever I would breed my mantids, the male would go a few inches behind the female, out of her sight, while she munched on a cricket. If I took them out of their cages, they would go into a large screened enclosure(like the ones you might see chameleons in).

Maybe if you had an indoor plant of some sort to place them on? You have the right idea...just need to tweak it a bit.;)