Day 1
Day 2
Day 3/4 (Heavy premolt!)
G.pulchra today with it's fat lil' butt. Always redecorating it's little enclosure.
B.smithi Sling
It's shy, quick, and I think it's an ooglay baby :8o
B.vagans Sling
More Premolt..?
Little fella likes to kick hairs he doesn't have. lol
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3/4 (Heavy premolt!)

G.pulchra today with it's fat lil' butt. Always redecorating it's little enclosure.

B.smithi Sling
It's shy, quick, and I think it's an ooglay baby :8o

B.vagans Sling

More Premolt..?

Little fella likes to kick hairs he doesn't have. lol