I figure if I want to be cool around here I would have to start my own picture thread. Enjoy!
My favorite species hands down.
Poecilotheria rufilata
Leg shot
Poecilotheria regalis----photo taken through plexi glass...
Lamprolopelma/Cyriopagopus sp "blue" ---my second favorite..
And now some scorpions for all you scorp fans out there...
Androctonus mauretanicus
Androctonus australis
Hottenttota judaicus
Hope you enjoyed about half of my collection! More to come soon...
My favorite species hands down.
Poecilotheria rufilata

Leg shot

Poecilotheria regalis----photo taken through plexi glass...

Lamprolopelma/Cyriopagopus sp "blue" ---my second favorite..

And now some scorpions for all you scorp fans out there...
Androctonus mauretanicus

Androctonus australis

Hottenttota judaicus

Hope you enjoyed about half of my collection! More to come soon...