

Old Timer
Dec 20, 2006
This is my new RTB, shes a female and I was told shes about 4-5 years old.

I'm not exactly sure what type of boa she is, I was told she was a Central RTB by her previous owners and someone else told me she was a Nicaraguan.
She had been living with an RI and mites in her previous home, she wasn't in good shape. I was able to take her to an exotics vet 2 weeks after I got her, and shes on injected antibiotics for the next 2 weeks, then she goes back for a second check up.. shes already doing better though! She ate her first meal for me yesterday :)
I've been soaking her for the RI and the mites and cleaning the cage every day, treating it every 3 days with reptile relief, it seems to be working pretty well.
I'm glad I was able to get her the care she needed, everyone at the vets office really loves her.. shes like a big, long, legless, puppy dog. They even took pictures of her for their new office brochure.
I hope after these mites clear up she can be moved back into my room and we won't have anymore problems! Shes a very nice snake!