Rough green snakes


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I'm considering getting a rough green snakes for an aboreal planted terrarium I have. I'm having trouble finding answers to a few questions though:
What kind of substrate would be appropriate for these snakes? Can I use the "forest bed" bark type substrate or would aspen be best? I would like to keep a more natural look to the terrarium but I will use whatever is best for the snake.
What humidity should I keep these guys at?

Also, I've read that these are easy to keep and also that they are very difficult to keep because nobody really knows how to keep them properly in captivity. Anyone had success with keeping them alive?


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2007
I don't suggest using the bark like substrate cause i had a rough green die from ingesting bark along with a cricket i suggest keeping them on bed a beast (coconut fiber) if you want the tank natural looking. also they are active during the day so establish a day night cycle with the use of a basking light also humidity isn't too important as long as you mist once a day temps of 74.F for the cooler side and 88.F for the basking spot. F will do also provide a small water bowl feed crickets or roaches no bigger than the snakes head these guidline kept my rough green active and healthy for two years before it died from ingesting bark stay away from any substrate that will lodge in the snakes throat these are really cool little snakes that can be kept in a live planted vivarium.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
We have these here in Missouri but I've only seen a few in my life. Here's a bit of basic info that might help. Click

I don't think substrate should be a big concern since they will live up of the sub but I would definitely use what is most common for snakes in general. Seeing as how they can be found in the ozarks here in Missouri, the cage should have moderate humidity with fresh water readily available. I don't keep these so this is my best guess based on logic and literature that can be inaccurate. Sorry I can't help any further. Good luck.
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