Roaches sound like the ideal feeder insect but if you only have a few insects wouldn't they get out of control if there were not enough insects to eat them?
I got my first ever order of roaches Thursday & had a bunch molt on Friday &
thought that was the most exciting thing! In just one day only of having
the roaches, I have found out that I really care for them in a strange way.
Just had to find out if some of my Ts would be receptive to roaches even
though the colony is not established yet, so I tried one on my A.versicolor &
she refused it & actually just seemed to stroke it as if she did not have a
clue as to what to do.
I then took the same roach & gave it to my big B.smithi gal & the roach turned
on its back & played dead!
She eventually picked it up & started the munching process with the roach
kicking the whole time. Sheesh......almost made me feel was such
a pretty roach too........don't know who will have a harder time.........the Ts or me.....
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