i would consider astroglide a possibility and rain x a horrible idea. the roaches will test the barrier and get a little bit on their feet... which they then clean with their mouthparts. i don't know what rain x is made of, but i am pretty sure its manufacturers were not thinking of roach safety when they designed it. and if you are blocking feeder roaches with it then bioaccumulating enough to mess up a larger and long lived pet, like a tarantula is a very real risk
i personally liked various edible plant oil barriers the best. olive oil or a soy/olive mix was what i used most. i had trouble with smaller roaches being able to run over petroleum jelly anytime and larger roaches able to run over it when it was cool (like 50-60*F). oil was always slick in my experience.... though when it was warmer (80+*F) i had to reapply it more often as it would run off.
plus... i HATE PJ.... it is horribly messy if you get it on you with out noticing.... i got some on my sweatshirt elbow when i was reaching into my roach tub once and left little dots of it all over my room :/
Hit up a a restuarant supply and pick up a tube of food grade grease. Also come in a spray for a few dollars more. Last forever and isn't a prone to breack down. It is better for the roaches as well.
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