Rhode Island Invertebrate Rescue. I need help with setting up


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007
Ok so I am trying to design a myspace, facebook, and web page for my newly growing invertebra rescue. my brother and I have been brainstorming on how to word our mission statement but I keep comeing up at a loss of kind worrds. I guess it is because i have no sympithy for idots who thin inverts are like dogs and cats. and can be played with all hte time. or are a pet they want but dont learn what is needed to be done or how to properly house them.

Basicly i'm trying to explain that I willingly take in the unwanted inverts and then proceed to try to find new homes for them if I myself deside not to keep them. I also want to start an education program on invertebrates aswell.

currently I am trying to read and learn as much as i can.

Currently I am becomeing know via word of mouth through some of the smaller rescue leages and shelters in my area. But I want to become better known. what should I do. I have begun to design a flier to send out to petshops and zoos. but what elce.

hopefully tomarrow I will be getting my packet from the aspca to become a certified rescue legue through them.

does anyone have any ideas for what elce i should do?


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Mission statements should basically just be an eloquent but simple wording of your cause. So if you are providing rescue and education, it could be as simple as "Devouted to the rescue and placement of unwanted invertebrates, as well as public education on appropriate husbandry practices, with the aim of promoting interest and conscientiousness in the captive care of invertebrate species." Definately does not have to be a novel - just the bare bones basics of your fundamental goals. That aside, webpages are a good way to start - might want to make an insectgeeks account as well. A simple URL that people can remember with ease will help promote the webpage, and you should def. make an email adress specifically for the rescue that is equally easy to remember. Not sure about local promotions... do you have any outdoor education centers where biology-minded folk might gather? That might be a good place to post fliers if they'll let you. Also, if one of your goals is education, definately talk to schools! They will probably let you do presentations for biology classes and the like.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007
Devouted to the rescue and placement of unwanted invertebrates, as well as public education on appropriate husbandry practices, with the aim of promoting interest and conscientiousness in the captive care of invertebrate species."

I like that I think that is what I will use. thanks.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
PLEASE use a spell checker...
A person is a Devout (insert religion) type here.
You are devoted to a cause...

Yesh!! Also please learn to spell correctly when replying OR putting up a post. If you don't it will make you seem immature, young and that you are not well educated.

“Devoted to the rescue and placement of unwanted invertebrates, as well as public education on appropriate husbandry practices, with the aim of promoting interest and conscientiousness in the captive care of invertebrate species."
"newly growing invertebra rescue"
New and growing invertebate rescue

"comeing up at a loss of kind worrds."
coming up at a loss for DIFFERENT kinds of words OR loss for kind words.

"sympithy for idots who thin"
sympathy for idiots who think


"Currently I am becomeing know via word of mouth through some of the smaller rescue leages and shelters in my area. But I want to become better known. what should I do. I have begun to design a flier to send out to petshops and zoos. but what elce."

Currently I am becoming known via word of mouth ....rescue leagues...else.

Please if you want to be taken seriously.. use proper english..
I applaud your efforts. If I can help by sending you some containers, some money OR if I have them in the spring a few young T's...
Let me know.
Really... do try.!!


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007

You know I know i am horrid at spelling but even worse at typing. I am doing my best and I thank you for pointing out the errors I had not noticed them. I just downladed a spell checker for the forums so hopefully it will get better.

as for helping containers would be great. Even some young t's would be as well. But at this point I cound not willingly accept any money. I will keep up to date at to what is going on and what I am doing. Right now I plan on useing my bedroom and one of my spare rooms at my office for houseing the invertebrates untill I convert the spare bedroom at home for them. I have a relitive helping me with designing my website and I am working on a myspace page.

Thank you for the support.


Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
as for helping containers would be great. Even some young t's would be as well.
Just to satisfy my own curiosity... what exactly does a rescue organization need with non-rescued young specimens?


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
They were freebies to me, and while they are growing well, they are not a species I want to keep. There is only a local show 2x a year, and its 99% reptile.
If I can place them into a home where they would be kept OR rehomed, I am willing to send them to some one who could do that.
I have place G. roseas, A. seemani, B. vagans, and A. hentzi with folks.
I know how to ship, but won't till the weather is warmer here in the northern part of the midwest..


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007
that is how i saw it as she needed to have them homed. and i know a few people who are interested in young t's

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
np, just be careful with perceptions... best of luck to you!


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2007
I'm Rooting For You

Good luck to you. I'm sure you'll do well. Where is it going to be?

As far as advertising you could always input it in newspapers, or newsletters on the aspca site (if they allow it). Pass out various flyers, that myspace idea will do just as well too for myspace is overly populated. Livejournal will do well also.

Take care.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007

Ok so I after speeking with the spca of rhode island and getting the information i needed. I have contacted the state vet and am getting ready for my interview. I have to write up a plan of service and funding. Give them the required information. seeing as the main host site will be my own home within two rooms it seems that their may or may not need to have the inspection. the state vet is going to do some checking into what they feel will be the required rules to follow. it seems from talking to them that I am breaking new grounds. I will keep you all informed.