Rhinocheilus lecontei

Red Eyed Knight

May 18, 2010
First off, allow me to introduce myself. I have lurked here since I got my first T two years ago and finally worked up the courage to make an account and post. Most of you seem like helpful, experienced folks and I have a question for you.

My mother is planning to purchase a snake for me from a woman who has to get rid of it. $10 for the aquarium set-up and none for the snake - the good deal is the only reason she's getting it, as we do not already have equipment to house a snake (we didn't expect to ever get one while I was still living with her). We don't have the snake yet and I'd like some advice as this will be my first snake.

The woman said the snake is a Mexican Long Nosed Snake, and we asked her to take some pictures for us since we don't know if it would be possible for us to see it first hand. I've read a lot about snakes and ever since I was a toddler I've wanted one, but I don't know if the species is good for beginners.

What's your opinion? Should we go for it or not? It would kill me to have to pass on the opportunity, but I don't want to get in over my head. I really don't know much about the species at this time which is why I came here for help, and I would greatly appreciate some input from those more experienced than I.

Red Eyed Knight

May 18, 2010
One more thing...

The woman says we'll need a truck to pick up the aquarium and all the supplies, so I'm guessing it's kinda big. I don't know the exact dimensions, but if we were to purchase the snake would it be better to get it something smaller if the aquarium ends up being huge? I'm asking because after doing come cursory research on the internet I've found out that the snake is not that big and I've read many times that having a small snake in an enclosure that's too big for it can cause it stress.