Rescued another best friend :)


Apr 8, 2016
Back in October 15' I lost my dog Riley in a freak accident. I rescued him as a pup in 2010 and he was like the best friend I have ever had.

I have been feeling down ever since it happened. He went everywhere with me, kept me straight and focused on life. He even went abroad with me and that's when the accident occured.

I was in a bad place before I rescued him. I would go as far as to say I was borderline alcoholic. He saved my life as much as I saved his. I had routine and responsibilities. It may seem daft to some but he really did mean the world to me.

Here is a photo of the champ

After a lot of thought and consideration I have gone ahead and rescued another pooch from the pound. I thought if I could rescue and love Riley that much then I can do the same for another poor pupper.

So here is the new family member setttling in nicely

Meet Milo :)

I am over the moon to have another canine companion. If I had more space in my apartment I would have rescued another but we are sharing with a Bengal cat and 50 odd arachnids at the moment so the one will have to do.

Today has been a good day. I hope your Friday has been too :D

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Yeay team! We just got adopted by a woof. An airhead but sweet.