Replacement Exo-Terra Lid--Hole Size


Oct 25, 2023
I'm working with a vendor on a custom 3d printed mesh to replace an Exo-Terra screen lid for an arboreal enclosure. I am looking for ventilation levels similar to the screen, but without the injury risk.

These holes are pretty big, but given that it will be a 6"-7" spider, of course there's no way it could get through, and even the feeders would be far larger (if they could even get up to the screen in the first place). Other than the possibility that this is simply too much ventilation, is anyone seeing any other obvious negatives?



Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
How strong is the material? Would it survive the torque of a pair of fangs?

I love this long as it doesn't end up costing more than the enclosure 🤣


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006

I’ve had sling Avics poke their legs through holes a bit larger than diameter of their legs looking to escape and no harm.

Looks fine to me

How’d you identify the vendor?


Jan 17, 2020
It look a pretty good to me, but I had the same thought as @fcat, is it strong enough to withstand attempts to be mangled by fangs?


Oct 25, 2023
@fcat @Smotzer that's a very good point--I will ask her about the thickness of the plastic In the grid. I'm thinking that because the distances between cross-beams is small it will have extra rigidity, but hard to tell until it's in hand.

@viper69 it's CMTerrariums on Etsy, which is also G&M Designs. I had seen them frequently recommended on the boards as a replacement option. They normally do a solid plastic center panel, but I contacted them to ask if they could make me a prototype that was all screen.

The first lid they made me had 40% coverage, which has good ventilation (and has holes that would be hard to chew through)--but it did not let in as much light as I prefer. The picture above is 15% coverage. She told me she's going to print a sample at 20% coverage for comparison--I'll post a pic when it's done.


Oct 25, 2023
This is a 20% prototype to show coverage, and this is what I'm going to go with. It is being reprinted in final form to try to get the individual crossbars as thick as possible, to help address any biting concerns. Their lids are made out of PETG, which is reportedly stronger than PLA, and so that might help too. I'll keep you updated!


This is the finished product, plus plugs in the feeding cap areas. Excited to give it a look first hand and see how it feels! I think it might just work. Those cross-bars are 3mm in width, which is pretty thick.

IMG_1824.jpeg IMG_1825.jpeg


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
I’m interested to see how this goes, too. Something like this would save me lots of time drilling and smoothing.

Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
are you replacing the whole lid or just the mesh?
My only issue with any mesh type top is, when looking through @ night with a light, the screen lights up and inhibits the view. I bet the black helps


Oct 25, 2023
Update on C&M Terrariums Custom Exo Terra Replacement Lid

I had previously posted about working on a design for a custom replacement lid for Exo Terra enclosures with C&M Terrariums (Etsy), and I wanted to post an update. The ordinary C&M replacement lid is clear plastic in the center, with two "screen" areas. You can drill the plastic for more ventilation, but I wanted something that was 100% ventilation--basically a spider-safe replacement for the screen lid. I have now been using the second design for about a month, and I'm extremely happy with the final product. We settled on 20% coverage, and they manufactured it with 3mm bars for strength (and to hopefully be bite proof).

My experience is that the airflow is exactly like a screen lid. It does filter light somewhat, so for those with planted tanks, that's a consideration. I use 12 hour color temperature-changing lights with most of my Ts. This is a planted enclosure, and the plants are looking healthy, with lots of fresh growth--so it still seems to be getting enough light for that purpose. The enclosure houses a 5" P. cambridgei, and it seems happy, in that it is exhibiting its normal behavior (hanging out behind its cork during the day, and on the walls or front of the cork at night, but very calm and not wall surfing or doing anything unusual).

It's extremely sturdy. I can't imagine that a T could chew through the cross bars, particularly the thicker ones. Even if it got through one, it would take a while, and it wouldn't compromise the structure. I also cannot see how a T could possibly catch a claw in this.

Overall I have no complaints and will be using these in the future for any enclosure where I want screen-level ventilation. If I wanted to keep the enclosure more moist, the Tarantula Cribs acrylic lid is a beautiful design too. I found, experimenting with it, that the enclosure was drying out more slowly than I prefer for this application. TC sent me a fully drilled prototype to test, and it did increase ventilation slightly, but still did not approach screen-level ventilation (but again, beautiful design and impeccably constructed, which has been my general experience with their products).

Here are some photos of the lid, and the enclosure in afternoon-style light (the light starts mild and warm for sunrise, slowly changes to bright white around noon, adds some blue tones in the late afternoon and goes back red at sunset).

IMG_3826.jpeg IMG_3829.jpeg IMG_3831.jpeg IMG_4292.jpeg
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
How strong is the mesh on printed lid? Looks like if I push my finger on it CRACK


Oct 25, 2023
How strong is the mesh on printed lid? Looks like if I push my finger on it CRACK
It has noticeable flex to it, particularly if you press it in the center. It seems like it would flex from normal pressure, rather than crack. In addition to half the bars being 3mm thick horizontally, they are also a couple mm thick vertically. I could probably break it, but it would take a lot of force. I'm skeptical that a T could break through it, but I'm keeping a close eye on it and inspecting it daily.

As a test, I grabbed the first prototype, which does have smaller holes and so is stiffer, but I could not push through that one with my thumb despite applying significant force. Could I crack it if I used my full strength? Maybe.

For science… The clicking noise is the enclosure door banging.
View attachment IMG_4310.mp4