Rehousing Project Update: Phase One Complete

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
As some of you may know, I've been undertaking a fairly good sized rehousing project. So far, I have managed to complete seven enclosures out of the ten I had originally planned on doing. Unfortunately, due to the holidays, I have to abandon the project until sometime in January. The good news is that all I have left on the project is obtaining three aquariums, some more cork bark, a few more plants........and a second shelving unit!!!!!

The Rack:

Avic avic:

A. versicolor:

My Psalmos:

P. cambridgei:

P. irminia:

G. pulchripes: (This pic was taken two weeks ago, BTW)

C. fasciatum:

G. rosea:

Still to come: A second rack with my B. smithi, P. regalis, and my beloved S. cal. Also planning on adding some plants, rocks, and wood to the Grammostola enclosures once they dry out a bit more. Later down the road, I'll probably outfit the racks with some low-level lighting for the plants and night viewing.

Thanks for looking!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Great set ups!!! :clap:
I love the MEAN sticker on the P. cambridgei enclosure, thats great. {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Great set ups!!! :clap:
I love the MEAN sticker on the P. cambridgei enclosure, thats great. {D
Thanks!!! I already had someone ask me if Desirae was nice. Since he called her by name, you'd assume he could read........:wall:

I told him to stick his hand in there and find him all riled up to do it, too!!! As he got the cahoonies to do it, I informed him that there was really wasn't spider in there. Then showed him my P. cambridgei (who actually is on the sling / juvie shelving unit waiting to be transferred), right after I pointed him wise to that "MEAN" label on the tank, LOL.

Are those 5.5 gal or 10 gal for the psalmos?
The Psalmo vivs are 5.5 gallons. Desirae (P. cambridgei) will be going in a permanent 10 gallon setup when she reaches 5" or so. Currently, she is 4" DLS. Since my P. irminia is male, the 5 gallon setup will be his permanent enclosure. Currently, he is a healthy 3".

Ooh, looks like fun! Very nice
Yes it was, and thank you!!!! Don't worry Jairi.......There's still more enclosures to do. I'll be sure to save some work for you (just don't hot-glue the fridge shut, LOL).