Rehoused Ball Python Pair...came out nice


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
I just rehoused my Ball Python pair. A neighbor gave me two bags of that grey paper stuff that you can find in pet stores so I am giving it a try.

I added some green ficus leaf flexible vines, brown flexible vines, branches, water bowl and of coarse a statue from Africa where they are found. I get statues like this for all kinds of pets that I have. This is a way that I give them a piece of their home.

Enjoy the pics!



Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
845's a great looking setup but...

1. Seperate the snakes into different enclosures if you haven't already. Unless you're breeding, that is not a good idea. If one is sick, it will be impossible for you to tell which one is sick..that sort of thing.

2. Ball pythons need hides. Two hides, one on the hot side, one on the cool side. Without at least one, you're going to have some stressed out snakes.

3. Ditch the stick on's and get an digital temperate/humidty reader with a probe. The analog's have been known to be off as much as 20 degrees.

4. How are you heating this tank?


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
To answer some question and comment on statements.

1: I liked the idea of having both together for company. I seprate them for feeding time. These snakes I have had for a long time and I don't foresee either one getting sick.

2: The log pictured in the left side has space under it for them too hide. In addition to that.......they have much "green" cover.

3 & 4: The stick on temp and humidity gages are only reference. I keep the snakes in a climate controlled room. This is where I keep all my T's, Scorps and Snakes. Maintains 80 in room and 95 basking sites for snakes under the lamps. The snakes also have a heat mat which only covers 1/3 of the bottom of the enclosure. Humidity in the room averages 60-80 percent depending when misters kick on.

Schlyne said:'s a great looking setup but...

1. Seperate the snakes into different enclosures if you haven't already. Unless you're breeding, that is not a good idea. If one is sick, it will be impossible for you to tell which one is sick..that sort of thing.

2. Ball pythons need hides. Two hides, one on the hot side, one on the cool side. Without at least one, you're going to have some stressed out snakes.

3. Ditch the stick on's and get an digital temperate/humidty reader with a probe. The analog's have been known to be off as much as 20 degrees.

4. How are you heating this tank?


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2003
That must be one fun room to spend time in! I would love to be able to give a whole room to my hobbies/pets.

It looks great to me!