Rehabbing a Beardie


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
I was given a year and a half year old bearded dragon yesterday. It was in a 10 gallon tank, a lamp with a 60W soft white house bulb, purple sand, and no water dish. The poor dear practically dove into the water dish when we got home. He drank for five minutes(I timed it). It very likely hasn't had a UV bulb since he left his breeder. When I turned my heat bulb on him, he came alive. Poor baby. After drinking, he stretched out under the lamp as though he had never felt anything so wonderful.

I am a little worried about him, though. Other than being extremely thin, it looks like he is having or has had problems shedding. The tip of his tail is blunt, and his tail looks as if it is due for a shed. His left hind leg also has me worried. It is a different color and looks slightly swollen compared to the other leg.

Other than a complete overhaul on his enclosure, food, water, and UVB, what else can I do to help him along? Should I soak him to help with that tail and possible leg issue?

Here are some pictures.

His first taste of fresh water in who knows how long. Look how thin he is. The water dish did not come with him.

Note his left hind leg. Should I be worried, or is this something that should fix itself with proper care?

A better shot of the leg.

His tail. Looks and feels in sore need of some shedding.

Pretty face.


Apr 8, 2011
Aside from the obvious, he's very pretty. Keep that water dish full for sure and I think he'll be just fine. I think the shedding problems will work themselves out if you keep him in optimal conditions and spray the spots you're concerned about once a day or so until it manages to shed.

Good luck. This guy can make it, and you're the one who's gonna make it happen!


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Hah, thank you! I was very surprised at the amount of orange on him. I was guessing for a free beardie he was just a cheap normal they picked up at a reptile show. He is so cute. On the ride home, he just sat in the corner, didn't move, and only looked around a little bit. Now, you peek in and he is checking us out, probably seeing if we are going to feed him again, and he is very active. So far so good! We are dusting his crickets right now with a vitamin supplement. Can that be overdone?


Oct 29, 2010
Care to tell me the address of the former owner? I'd like to break a few of their bones....

As for the Beardie, I'd be dusting the crickets with a calcium supplement and a multivitamin supplement, because I highly doubt it was getting proper nutrition where it was before.

Also, if this is your first bearded dragon, I'd read up on them quite a bit. They need a strong UVB bulb and a strong UVA heating bulb, or one of the pricier mercury vapor/metal halide bulbs that gives off UVB, UVA, and lots of heat. Bearded dragons are also omnivorous, and need to have veggies daily. Avoid sugary things (apples, melons, bananas) and don't feed a lot of spinach. The bagged salad stuff called "spring mix" is probably the best bagged salad you can use for bearded dragons. Aside from the greens, carrots (grated), sweet potatoes (again, grated) and bell peppers are good, as are peas, squash, and pumpkin. They will eat things like bananas and melon, and you can give them those monthly as a treat, but you need to limit their sugar intake because they are able to handle that much sugar and can develop diseases from it. Crickets, roaches, and superworms are good feeder insects, but they should be dusted and only offered a few times a week for an adult; as bearded dragons mature their diet needs shift and become less insectivorous and more omnivorous.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Thank you very much LordRaiden! I really appreciate the info. Yes, he is my first bearded dragon, though not my first lizard. I am completely taken with him. He is so bright and cheerful now. When I walked in this morning he started dancing back and forth when he saw me. If it was what I think it was, it was the cutest demand for food I have ever seen. I usually have a good supply of greens on hand, and the dish I gave him did not last long. I wish I had a good scale to track his weight gain. Perhaps when I get paid...

At least the previous owners did the eventual right thing. He was what looked like a 12 year old boy's "pet". When the parents saw that he wasn't taking care of the lizard, they took him and gave him away. I am just glad we got him, and not some other mook who wouldn't take care of him. For that, I cannot wish too much ill towards them.
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm glad he found such a loving home :)

Everything has pretty much been touched on. (invest in a mercury vapor bulb they are worth it!) just wanted to mention that with reptiles, especially ones that have been neglected for so long, the healing process takes time. Far longer than with a mammal.

I've rehabbed many chameleons and beardies and it is always such a treat to watch them progress and start getting their zest for life back. Good luck and enjoy your new buddy!


Jun 26, 2012
Because you mention one of his hind legs being swollen/looking injured, you should do some research on metabolic bone disease, if you have not in the past. It is possible that he has developed MBD, as he has gone without proper UVB light for awhile. I do not know much about this disease, as I only recently acquired my first diurnal reptile. However, it is definitely a concern in his situation. If such symptoms continue, you may consider taking him to a specialist veterinarian if you can find one in your area, otherwise just keep a very close eye on him.

Everything else you are doing sounds good - other users have given you good advice already on feeding him and lighting/heating his enclosure, and I agree with it too. From what I understand, you really can't go overboard with vitamin supplements. When I dust fruit flies for my day gecko (also diurnal), I give calcium with vitamins every day of the week, and then on Thursdays I give a D3 supplement. As similar schedule should work for you, although it may be slightly different for bearded dragons - I have never owned one.

You are doing a great job so far, and I am proud of you for taking him in and giving him a second chance! He does look quite handsome aside from the skinniness! Keep us updated on how his recovery goes, and best of luck with him. :)


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2011
Oh wow, he definitely doesn't look so good, but he's going to be a pretty boy once he gets better! You might try posting over at if you want tips on exactly how to rehab him. It definitely looks like he could have metabolic bone disease, which can take quite a bit of work and supplements to "cure." His doesn't look too advanced, though, if he has it. Good luck with him.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Ah, thank you all so much for the heads up.

The leg I was worried about being a littke swollen seems much better. After a few days of misting, it shed well and the leg looks fine compared to the other leg. I wonder how long it will take for the purple dye to come off him from the sand.That stuff would make a very pretty mini rock garden. It was a nice shade of purple. It just doesn't go so well with an orange lizard. Heh.

He's coming along. He is very active, alert, and doesn't have any deformities. I am hoping he wasn't too long with the other people and he will be fine and dandy. That is the hope. :)


Oct 29, 2010

Keep up the supplements and make sure to feed good-quality greens frequently and you could have quite the specimen!

I like the yellowish color a lot; if I were to name it, I would name it "Sol", the name for the star that Earth orbits.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Poor little fella. That is the skinniest beardie I've ever seen but Lord hit the nail on the head with everything. Make sure he gets Calcium and vitamin dustings with his food. Some pinkies or frozen/thawed geckos or anoles should help speed up some healthy fats with the insects.