So I discovered the most amazing pet store today. It's small, and not a chain, but amazing. They actually new the difference between quality dog food and nasty "purina" and such. They actually don't stock any bad food, except science diet. They had bearded dragons, all of which were on papertowels, which ACTUAL veggies, and the correct lights. They had bunnies that looked healthy, only two puppies, and tarantulas on eco earth, and everything was just...amazing! It blew my mind. They even gave me free dog food samples even though I didn't buy anything.
I had to go find Quinnie some new food, she has decided that Innova is not up to snuff for her. They gave me Solid Gold sample bags, but I never trust brochures, or sales people, to tell me how good or bad a food might be. Does anyone use this food?
I had to go find Quinnie some new food, she has decided that Innova is not up to snuff for her. They gave me Solid Gold sample bags, but I never trust brochures, or sales people, to tell me how good or bad a food might be. Does anyone use this food?