Reddish Mite in Amblypygi enclosure?


Oct 21, 2021
Hey folks,

I recently took out a molt from one of my ambly enclosures and it had a couple stoways.

Not only springtails, but also a reddish brown mite. Wondering if anyone has any Insight as grain mites look white.

The enclosure is simply styrofoam and coconut substrate, I haven't changed it for 2 months and have had 2 successful molts with my animal.
View attachment PXL_20220528_214300870.mp4

Arthroworld Indonesia

May 28, 2022
Hi The1ocelot, would it be possible to get a higher res image of the mite itself? I figured be difficult but, if you could, it would be very helpful in ID’ing it. Otherwise, I have 2 guesses:

1. Red Spider Mite (and other mites): They tend to be harmless and easily die out after a while as they can’t really breed properly in captivity based on my experience. So I wouldn’t worry too much.
2. Some kind of red isopod(?): Might be wrong here, but the oval shape in the video makes me believe its some kind of isopod, but I am likely to be wrong hence I wanted a clearer picture. 😅

Parasitic mites are quite rare in the home/hobby so I doubt this is one of them—but that said regular mites (including grain mites) are mostly harmless if not harmless, though they can become a risk factor to your pet if they grow to enough numbers and then crowd said pet when molting. For now if the population is still low and your pet isn’t molting… there is not much to worry about.

It you don’t want to take risks, then you can just change the substrate with new substrate and see if that solves the issue.
You can also lower humidity but I don’t recommend it for a species like whip scorpions—Oh and make sure to remove dead food items often, in my experience, those tend to lead to mites.

I hope this was helpful.