there is an answer LOL I know there are other posts like this but they do not contain what I am looking for. This way I get what I am looking for.Ever since I took acid for the first time I've loved spiders. They seemed to be the "theme" of the trip that night.
actually we know almost nothing about anything ...I just love animals in general.
I am especially facinated by spiders. They have been around for millions of years and yet we still don't know everything about them.
What's not to like?
That's wonderful! :clap: I wonder how many people on here have or have had a fear of spiders. I bet it's significant. I wouldn't say that my fear was dibilitating, but keeping T's has been wonderfull for me as well. I think there's alot to be said about acknowledging what makes us uncomfortable, and then purposly bringing those things closer in order to understand them.If someone told me 2 years ago that I would actually own T's and love them - I would have slapped them for being stupid!I'm a born arachnaphobe, but finally got treatment at the end of 2005, as the phobia was making it impossible to live normal life. In the beginning of 2006 I held my first T......I was intrigued, fascinated and quite chuffed with myself. I eventually decided to get 1....just 1, to ensure that the phobia doesn't come back......well, I'm now on 17 and counting
I'm still not crazy about true spiders, but I love my T's!