Rat question..


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2006
Hi all!
Well, straight to the point..
I have 2 rats..
my question is...
Is it ok if I use shredded newspaper for the... umm.. ground stuff?
instead of the usual "wood chips", i dont know what u call it.. im sure u know what I mean..

Is the newspaper harmful in any way??


Old Timer
Jun 21, 2006
I dont believe its harmful,but it sure gets real messy quick.You are better off buying pine bedding or aspen.Cedar isnt good,it mixes with the urine and creates phenols,which can lead to health issues in the future.But you would definately change the cage a lot less with pine or aspen.What kind of cage are they in and how big?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Both cedar AND pine are totally unacceptable bedding choices. Both contain phenols (which are there regardless of urine) and will cause respiratory problems, as well as liver and kidney damage. This goes for nearly all small animals, mammal and reptile alike.

Your best bet is non-scented aspen, or one of the many paper-based products like Carefresh or recycled paper like Yesterday's News. I wouldn't just use shredded newspapers, though. The ink in the paper might harm the rats if they eat it.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2006
kraken said:
But you would definately change the cage a lot less with pine or aspen.What kind of cage are they in and how big?
Well.. here´s the cage.. its actually 2 cages connected.. hehe...
i guess i'll follow ur tips.. i just hadnt had time to go buy stuff u know...


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2006
yeah.. i know.. hehe its just that the pet shop is so far from here...
well.. its not THAT far.. but u know.. hehe
and its the only one i know


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
What I use for my rats are old, clean rags. I just take them out everyday or so and launder them. The rats love to tunnel through and sleep in them. Just make sure you don't use terrycloth, their claws can get stuck in the little loops. I have a litter box that they (mostly) use so that helps to keep the rags a little cleaner. My next choice would be Carefresh, then aspen. The above folks were right on about cedar and pine. Both are very dangerous and for the life of me I can't figure out why they are still on the market. :wall:


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Mushroom Spore said:
I wouldn't just use shredded newspapers, though. The ink in the paper might harm the rats if they eat it.
Most publications are now required to use non-toxic inks. Our newspaper and several others that I have worked for use soy-based ink. Perfectly harmless.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
MizM said:
Most publications are now required to use non-toxic inks. Our newspaper and several others that I have worked for use soy-based ink. Perfectly harmless.
Oh, cool. :) In that case, the only risk would be the fact that newspapers probably aren't the cleanest things by the time they arrive in the household. And maybe ink smudges on little rat feet.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Mushroom Spore said:
Oh, cool. :) In that case, the only risk would be the fact that newspapers probably aren't the cleanest things by the time they arrive in the household. And maybe ink smudges on little rat feet.
Well, the rats would hasve the cutest tiny footprints on new, beige carpet!!!:p


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
most type of wood shavings will create respiratory problems with rats, however some dont notice any ill effects but it is proven.

The ideal bedding is newspaper you just have to clean it more often then other substrates that are meant for rats. plus its cheaper!


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Hey, looks like you have a hairless rat too! I have one as well! Mines is names Jack cause he's got a black pirate patch mark over one eye.

I have done alot of research on these guys and theres ALOT of things that can irritate thair VERY sensitive skin, including some paper inks, ESPECIALLY any PINE/CEDAR/ASPEN bedding. It will also cause upper resperatory infections like the little guy I just got has (pine bedding/cramped quarters).

I use something very similar to Carefresh but cheaper. If you have a Walmart in your area (which with Walmarts...you probably do) go check out the isle with the hamsterfood and parrot food and stuff. Normally on the bottom shelf in a small purple and clear covered block is the walmart brand *runs and gets the bag* called "Critter Care" You will save a few bucks i think buying this, unless you get a really big bag of Carefresh for 20 bucks.

This is the BEST stuff for ratties. Better than sleeping on clouds. Plus thats also what the vet reccomends....

You could try Yesterdays News as well, its cat litter but in pelleted form, not as comfy.


Old Timer
May 29, 2006
I use old t-shirt cloth as well. My cage has many shelves for them to climb on and this is the only good way to line them (cloths are pinned to the bars so the rats won't pull them off.

That being said, I do put newspaper on the bottom tray, the rats like to shred it up to make nests, gives them something to do. The only negatives are that newsprint (and cloths) do not control odor at all and need to be changed daily, and the rats do get some ink staining on their tails especially.

Many of the products listed in the other posts control odor better so there can be more time between cleanings, but of course you pay for the convienience ...


Jul 5, 2006
You have it all wrong!

Think of rats in the wild. They don't live on mounds of newspapers, clothes, or shavings. They dig! I have had excellent success using soil for bedding. The rats will love it and will make neat little burrows without being taught. In addition the soil eliminates almost all of the smell. I have had no problems with dirt as bedding yet.


Old Timer
May 29, 2006
Rats in the wild have all the world to roam in as well, not one small cage. Are you saying that you have a cage or a tank (very poor ventilation for domestic rats which are prone to respiratory problems) with dirt that they urinate and defacate in daily and you don't change it often?

Or do you change it with outdoor soil (I can see where this could lead to all kinds of parasites, inc. mites and lice) or do you buy sterilized potting soil? (getting expensive)

The truth is that domesticated rats are not as hardy as wild rats, are living a very unatural life in captivity, plus we want them, as pets, to lead as long and healthy a life as possible. I don't think trying to simulate a wild rats lifestyle is advisable.


Jul 5, 2006
Nature is bad?

While I can't comment on the mites or lice, I can say my rats have not suffered to any degree for having dirt bedding. Their burrowing tends to keep the dirt well turned over while if you include some detritis consuming inverts, the dirt stays cleaner longer. Ventilation is a concern but I have alleviated its problems by sticking to wire cages. I have tried it both ways but it is clear the rats greatly prefer the soil.

As to changing it out, I change it fairly often just to make myself feel better with regular dirt. It has not been stinky yet but I do worry. It is insanity NOT to try to simulate their natural habitat to some degree, we imitate their diet, their comfortable condition etc. Why should we plop them into shavings that do poorly in keeping them healthy? It is hard to improve on nature.


Old Timer
May 29, 2006
Hello, domesticaed rats are not wild rats, they have been bred and modifyed by humans for a hundred years, first as laboratory rats and then, with the help of genetic mutations, into the various colors and coat and ear types of fancy pet rats.

Sort of like dogs, they are virtually a man made species, and as such are prone to disease, tumors, cancer, et al. The diets fed are completely unlike what they would find in the wild (being omnivorous they would be scavanging roadkill for example)
Breeders have spent generations figuring out how to keep pet rats healthy and happy in an indoor cage, and I have yet to find one long term keeper who addvocates dirt as a healthy alternative to a sterile bedding.


Jul 5, 2006
True, but......

Well you have met me. I am a long term rat keeper, fancier, and breeder and I am advocating soil in the place of 'sterile' chipped bedding.

It is quite true that the domestic variety of Norwegian rat is markedly different from his wild counterpart. Indeed, in all of recorded rat fancy history only one colony of feral rats succeeded in the wild beyond a year. Domesticated rats are not wild rats.

But, they are still of the same species and still share virtually all the genetic and instinctual material of wild varieties. They still seek to imitate them in fundamental and often ignored ways such as burrowing, hunting, group pup rearing, and fighting. http://www.ratbehavior.org/WildAndDomesticRats.htm I am not advocating turning you little ones wild again, just that soil of some variety, perhaps because of the rodents' evolutionary history, provides a superior bedding on every measurable level.

In addition, the thread author did not request a foolproof and effortless bedding method, just one that would eliminate the odor and necessity to have it rule his life. Dirt is clean and effective for up around two weeks to a month. For his states time period of one week it would beat any other bedding "laying down". It is not orthodox among rat breeders, but it is sound morally and scientifically. I can attest to its merits.
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