Random Excitement


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
Just wanted to share....

My female P. rufilata molted a week ago and is just now starting to show her adult colors. :D

My adult female H. sp. "Vietnam" molted a day or two ago....for the first time in my care! Got her on March 1st of this year, and she was a big girl then. I can't wait to see her now! (She has a heavily-webbed tunnel that runs down along the side of the tank, so if I angle the flashlight *just* right, I can sort-of see her in there.) :D

The newest kid, a WC female Rabid Wolf spider, has finally settled in and threw an impressive threat display last night during feeding time. Wow....I mean....I've never seen ANY of the tarantulas act quite like she did. I think I realized last night exactly why these are called "rabid" wolf spiders. :D


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2009
Just wanted to share....

My female P. rufilata molted a week ago and is just now starting to show her adult colors. :D

My adult female H. sp. "Vietnam" molted a day or two ago....for the first time in my care! Got her on March 1st of this year, and she was a big girl then. I can't wait to see her now! (She has a heavily-webbed tunnel that runs down along the side of the tank, so if I angle the flashlight *just* right, I can sort-of see her in there.) :D

The newest kid, a WC female Rabid Wolf spider, has finally settled in and threw an impressive threat display last night during feeding time. Wow....I mean....I've never seen ANY of the tarantulas act quite like she did. I think I realized last night exactly why these are called "rabid" wolf spiders. :D

Congrats on the molt! I went from 0 molts in the past 3 months, to having 9 T's shedding their duds within the same week. And I LOVE wolf spiders. My little girl wolfie (unidentified sp.) will jump and do barrell rolls in mid air when taking down prey. It's probably the reason she's so fat now, I love watching her eat.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Fun stuff!

Molts just never get old lol I get excited each time.. it's almost like getting a new T! lol

I feel ya on the "angle the flashlight just right" theory! I barely saw my H. sp. "Vietnam" (H. vonwirthi) in the months I had him... most I ever saw of him was when I packed him up to ship! lol