R.runner food.


Arachnosupporter +
Sep 5, 2016
Just wondering what you feed your B.lat,s when it comes to fishfood,for those that do .Flake/Pellet or other?.

I am down to my last bit of "roach chow",and am thinking of switching over to fishfood for the protein part of the diet for my colony.
Oct 10, 2019
Just wondering what you feed your B.lat,s when it comes to fishfood,for those that do .Flake/Pellet or other?.

I am down to my last bit of "roach chow",and am thinking of switching over to fishfood for the protein part of the diet for my colony.
I feed all my feeders (crickets and dubias)only cheap porridge oats and they seem to do well on those. Tried in past dog/cat biscuits as supplement but get mites in the feeder boxes really quick so dropped it.
Regards Konstantin


Arachnosupporter +
Sep 5, 2016
I feed all my feeders (crickets and dubias)only cheap porridge oats and they seem to do well on those. Tried in past dog/cat biscuits as supplement but get mites in the feeder boxes really quick so dropped it.
Regards Konstantin
Ya....tried the cat food thing before.Not only did my lat,s ignore it,but it molded in a few days.And it smelled nasty.
Never again.I may try the fish pellets,or just go back to the feed store,and buy a pound of chick starter.

DomGom TheFather

Apr 26, 2020
I've never had any issues with mites or mold. No die offs. I keep four roach species and they all get fish and rabbit pellets as their staple. I put it in a mayonnaise lid seperate from any veggies they get and only give them what they'll eat in a week. When i provide fruit or veggies, it's what they'll eat in two days. Water crystals and dishes changed out or washed weekly. Slot screened lids, bare bottom with eggcrate and bin changes semi-regularly. The runners ignore rabbit pellets so i only pepper them in for those guys. Peat substrate for the surinams.


Sep 2, 2019
I've never had any issues with mites or mold. No die offs. I keep four roach species and they all get fish and rabbit pellets as their staple. I put it in a mayonnaise lid seperate from any veggies they get and only give them what they'll eat in a week. When i provide fruit or veggies, it's what they'll eat in two days. Water crystals and dishes changed out or washed weekly. Slot screened lids, bare bottom with eggcrate and bin changes semi-regularly. The runners ignore rabbit pellets so i only pepper them in for those guys. Peat substrate for the surinams.
This is the solid stuff you want OP


Sep 2, 2019
BUT, McMonigle is okay with good dog chow. You are running a risk when you are adding multiple ingredients into your roach food. If you get properly bagged dog food then add a tinge of powdered pea flour then you should be golden. If you catch a grain mite outbreak then may god have mercy.
There are a few things you can do though. Vaseline and packing tape will keep them from spreading. Pea flour is a mite antifeedant. Since you mentioned B. Lats, you can literally dehydrate the mites out of existence and the Reds will be fine. Reds are ridiculously hardy. Invest maybe in some A. Diaperinus. Literally "Panzer" beetles. They will wipe out whatever mites you catch easily.