Yeah, that's why I posted the question. It just seems like sometimes people are so paranoid about keeping a small waterbowl in with a sling. I personally haven't ever had a problem either.I'll be surprised if you find anyone who really has. Seems like such a remote possibility to me.
Absolutely Hobo!!!!I think that most of what people have encountered are just spiders who were on their way out anyway, and just happened to die over, or in the water dish, perhaps in a last desperate attempt to hydrate themselves for whatever reason, or being so weak that it could no longer remove itself from the water dish after falling in.
When I got my B. smithi sling, I had a dish of water in it's enclosure. When I put him in there, he kinda freaked and made a mad dash all around the place, and consequently, into the water dish. He didn't even get wet. he just sat there, on top of it, with a bubble under him, thanks to his bristles and exoskeleton. When my Bigger Ts, drink, you can see a similar bubble surrounding their legs when they dip in.
I mean, I would like to think Tarantulas wouldn't have trouble climbing out of a water dish less than their legspan deep. Tarantulas can swim too (except perhaps the very heavy ones, and they will be fine unless your waterdish is ridiculously deep).
You should be fine with a water dish for slings (it just has to be the right size/depth) but you are probably better off just moistening substrate for the tiniest ones.