What is a good way to get rid of mites on a BCI? My sisters little RTB has mites and I can't get any mite off for two weeks. So anyone know any house hold things that could be used?
Olive Oil.. (Extra Virgin I believe..) We used it on my moms BCI 3 times a day.. In about 4 or 5 days they were gone.. We completely sterilized the enclosure.. No problems since..
*Edit* We kept the snake in a small sweater box with only paper towels in it.. We changed the paper towels every time we used the Olive Oil.. That way if any mites fell off the snake & on to the paper towels we didnt give them a chance to climb back on the snake..
*Edit #2* We also kept a water dish in with him.. Just thought I would add that in there..
Thanks Tommy. Yeah we had moved my sisters little RTB girl into a KK for now because cleaning a 10 gallon tank daily was a pain. Now I have one more issue with the mites, will the olive oil help with the ones hiding around her eyes? They are kinda under the edge of skin.
a bath with luke warm water and a drop or 2 of dish detergent always worked well at getting the mites on the snake off. same in the enclosure, then id usually bleach the enclosure, not that i have proof the bleaching did much of anything. a shallow bath in soapy water helps to reduce the surface tension on the mites making it easier to drown them. most of them will make a run for the snakes head and then you can easily and gently splash the mites off of the head. theres also several products now that are commonly available in most pet shops, not provent a mite tho, that i've heard decent reviews of though i have never used them myself. however i have used provent a mite with great success...and a can lasted me quite a long time with quite a few snakes. please keep us updated on your progress.
I have used Provent-a-Mite with great success on Boids, and you can get the exact same stuff from Wal-Mart, as "Equate Bedding Spray", or the name brand, "Rid", both of which are sold to kill head lice. Remove the snake from the cage and spray a cloth or paper towel with the Provent-a-Mite, then rub down the snake. Remove all substrate and discard, then LIGHTLY spray the inside of the enclosure with the spray and leave the snake out of the enclosure for at least 30 minutes. Make sure to remove the water bowl before spraying. Allow the spray to completely dry, then put in fresh, clean substrate and the water bowl and the snake. Be sure to leave the enclosure well-ventilated. I know a lot of people are leery of chemical sprays, but this really does work, and if used properly, is safe for all but Natricine snakes(Water, Garter, Ribbon, Queen Snakes). I don't know why, but they are very sensitive to the main ingredient, permethrin, and it can kill them quickly. I guess it's something in their chemistry, just like Greyhounds can't be given products containing Ivermectin, which is standard heartworm preventitive in most dogs.
Thanks everyone. Pitbulllady, will that also help the mites hiding under the edges of her eyes? Or do I need to do somehting else for that? Also her belly has a pink tone to it? Bad sign?
I've also used dishwashing liquid and lukewarm water, dabbed around the eyes with cotton buds and that way taken the mites off. Worked like a charm and turned out a one time treatment.
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