Question for vinegaroon feeding


Jun 24, 2021
Hello I own a vinegaroon had him for the last year and he's doing well I've just noticed he was hungry alot more after he came out of hibernation so I feed him a bit more regularly till his abdomen was more plump. Time passed and I fed him normally but I've noticed his abdomen has gotten smaller a bit faster. I'm probably just overreacting but I just want to make sure I'm feeding him okay given how his hibernation is coming up and don't want him starving. I can feed him more no problem but I don't want to over feed him. I have a picture of him I just took for reference (also included enclosure pic) IMG_20210915_230940781_HDR.jpg IMG_20210915_225950930_HDR.jpg IMG_20210915_231003364.jpg


Feeder of Spoods
Jun 4, 2020
Looks fine. They’re picky eaters sometimes. Make sure he has a lot of substrate to burrow, they love that.


Jun 24, 2021
I think her substrate is deep enough she's been burrowing around the ends of the tank but finally settled on one of the corners and has a small chamber but I do see her walking around once in a while. I did try feeding her again but either she's not the brightest or she just isn't hungry I usually put crickets in her burrow or anywhere she can get them and she always goes for them but since I've tried feeding her tonight she just won't eat. Her abdomen is still the same size. Long story short she came out of hibernation a while back and she's skinny as heck and I was worried a bit luckily someone told me to feed her more often till she plumps up and I did but she started getting a but more skinny after some time passed and I was worried a bit and wanted to get her more plump for hibernation and feed her a bit and she ate for a while but like I said after tonight she won't eat. I'm guessing she's not hungry?



Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
I think her substrate is deep enough she's been burrowing around the ends of the tank but finally settled on one of the corners and has a small chamber but I do see her walking around once in a while. I did try feeding her again but either she's not the brightest or she just isn't hungry I usually put crickets in her burrow or anywhere she can get them and she always goes for them but since I've tried feeding her tonight she just won't eat. Her abdomen is still the same size. Long story short she came out of hibernation a while back and she's skinny as heck and I was worried a bit luckily someone told me to feed her more often till she plumps up and I did but she started getting a but more skinny after some time passed and I was worried a bit and wanted to get her more plump for hibernation and feed her a bit and she ate for a while but like I said after tonight she won't eat. I'm guessing she's not hungry?
Just my 2 cents, but that substrate looks pretty dry. I'm not saying thats the cause of this stuff, but I keep similar tropical species of scorpion from the same climate and they need much wetter substrate than that. Not like necessarily wet wet, but enough to hold and provide a source of moisture and easier to burrow.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Just my 2 cents, but that substrate looks pretty dry. I'm not saying thats the cause of this stuff, but I keep similar tropical species of scorpion from the same climate and they need much wetter substrate than that. Not like necessarily wet wet, but enough to hold and provide a source of moisture and easier to burrow.
The ones in Arizona and Mexico are pretty dry. Florida not so much. They're pretty flexible in their environment. Always good to have a water dish and a little misting of the substrate doesn't hurt. My major concern is that it's cooler in winter and I don't like it to be too damp in there since it would be like cold wetness.