Question for ppl that are cat and dog lovers.


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
I know its just been a few days but I am wondering what I should do if things do not change in the future.

I have 3 inside cats and 1 is fine with Sadie (as long as Sadie stays her distance)

I have 2 that completely hide 99% percent . When they do they make sure Sadie isn't around. These 2 is who I figured would be ok with a new dog since they loved to hang around Brownie.

I am not sure how to get these 2 to get used to her or if they never do what to do.

For you who do not know Sadie is my new 9 wk old puppy.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
acclimating them with cages or the travel containers is the best way....each in there own set-up, close to each other..this way they get used to the smell of each other...or gradually use something the puppy sleeps on and have the cats smell it while holding them.... after a couple of days, then gradually introduce each other while holding them...



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
It's been a long time since I had both in the same house, but I'd think they need a little more time to get used to each other... it's only been a few days, right? Cats take FOREVER to adjust to new things.. even when there isn't a new "person" involved, so this may take another week or three. :)

Maybe trade some of Sadie's things with the kitties' things and let them adjust to each other's scent for awhile. That makes the transition much easier with other furries, too. For example, trade out some "bedding" or a toy that is really played with and holds a scent good.

Good Luck!

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
It's been a long time since I had both in the same house, but I'd think they need a little more time to get used to each other... it's only been a few days, right? Cats take FOREVER to adjust to new things.. even when there isn't a new "person" involved, so this may take another week or three. :)
I was about to say that. A month at least, that's also very individual. One thing I can say for sure is that they feel the dog is an intruder in their territorium. They might never ever feel ok with the dog in the flat/house they are all in now, because the cats are already established in it. But if you were to move, and released everybody into the new house at the same time, nobody would have the advantage and the cats would equally share with anybody else and be much more relaxed.

If you are making a mistake and forcing them too much to endure this other creature then you won't do any good there but you'll rather make them remember the unpleasant circumstances of being arround it. Instead, give the cats maximum freedom while they're comming closer on their own or under your open guidance, but reward them every time they actually behave as wanted (even if only for 2 seconds) with a warm word and a stroke or similar.

You could try to trick them to get into situations where they might chose to spend time with the dog, perhaps in play or perhaps in a moment of "Look! I heap of prawns ended up on the floor!!" ;)


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
We have progress!

Patches wanted attention while i was waking up lol but Sadie was right beside me and he didn't pay her no attention just wanted me to pet him lol.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
We have progress!

Patches wanted attention while i was waking up lol but Sadie was right beside me and he didn't pay her no attention just wanted me to pet him lol.
That's cool! Let's hope the other one picks up on that! :)


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
I would also say give them a month or so to adjust. We don't have cats, but when my mom brought home a yorkie puppy two years I ago, my dog had a big problem with it. We kept them seperated so my dog wouldn't hurt the puppy. Finally after a month or so the two could be together with out my dog trying to attack the puppy. It takes a while for animals to adjust to each other.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Kristin, the key word is time. It seems like there is always a new creature in my household, and if often takes up to 6 months for them to establish a relationship.

However, they might not ever become friends. Supervise their introductions. There WILL be growling, hissing, and some smacking around. The cats and puppy need to establish who is where on the heirarchy without our intervention. If the cats get sick and tired of the puppy's curiosity and playfulness, they will eventually land a claw onto the puppy's sensitive nose. She will yelp, it will hurt, but it will teach the pup that she needs to leave that particular cat alone. It might seem cruel, but it will hasten the process of everyone settling into a comfortable relationship.

Good luck and..... POST PICS!!!;)


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I have 3 cats and 5 dogs in my house. They either get along or ignore each other and we accept either behavior. Generally because my dogs are so big, (my smallest is 50 lbs) around here cats rule, dogs drool. We don't allow the dogs to chase the cats, growl at them or show aggression in any way.
The cats do have quite a bit of seniority however, the oldest is 17.
They will adjust, it takes time. The cats were there first and they have to accept or at lease learn to tolerate, the pup.
Give them time, keep introducing them. Give them chances to interact. They will have to sort out their own relationships, all you can do is make sure that no one gets to excited while things get sorted out (for instance puppy chasing kitty and then catching kitty and chewing on kitty's head, or kitty cornering puppy and going to town with full claw action) we have had both happen.
It will work out, but it takes time and patience, yours and theirs.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
one thing we have found works is taking all of th dogs on a walk...away from their personal territory...also we have taken new dogs to the dog park and that way they can really get to know eachother without being territorial or protective of their owners...just a few thoughts


Sep 7, 2007
I was about to say that. A month at least, that's also very individual. One thing I can say for sure is that they feel the dog is an intruder in their territorium. They might never ever feel ok with the dog in the flat/house they are all in now, because the cats are already established in it. But if you were to move, and released everybody into the new house at the same time, nobody would have the advantage and the cats would equally share with anybody else and be much more relaxed.

If you are making a mistake and forcing them too much to endure this other creature then you won't do any good there but you'll rather make them remember the unpleasant circumstances of being arround it. Instead, give the cats maximum freedom while they're comming closer on their own or under your open guidance, but reward them every time they actually behave as wanted (even if only for 2 seconds) with a warm word and a stroke or similar.

You could try to trick them to get into situations where they might chose to spend time with the dog, perhaps in play or perhaps in a moment of "Look! I heap of prawns ended up on the floor!!" ;)
I had 2 adult cats one very stuck up stroppy 10yr old and a 9yrs old and then i introduced a puppy both cats hated the dog but slowly the younger one came round after standing up to the puppy and setting ground rules of her own.It took a few scratched noses on the puppy but she soon learnt that she was below rank in the hierachy. That was 8yrs ago. The older one never did until we moved into a new house 1yr ago now although she still does not like the dog she tolerates her but they will never be buddies although she is quite happy to steal the dogs food as she knows my dog would never hurt her.