hello I've been keeping frogs for quite a while and I have a few freezer frogs that I'd like to put into resin. After searching for quite a while I still can't figure out what is a good mold to use for the resin? Can I just use tupperware?
FYI anyone who is interested in getting into resin for their spiders and you are from the USA check out stores like Joann Fabrics, Michaels, AC Moores. They always have coupons in the Sunday paper for 40-60% off non sale items (which resin is never on sale). Also Joann Fabrics, Michaels, and AC Moores all take each others coupons just read carefully. Some say can only use 1 coupon per visit per day etc. I managed to pick up resin, catalyst, and Mold Release and Conditioner for under 25 dollars.
FYI anyone who is interested in getting into resin for their spiders and you are from the USA check out stores like Joann Fabrics, Michaels, AC Moores. They always have coupons in the Sunday paper for 40-60% off non sale items (which resin is never on sale). Also Joann Fabrics, Michaels, and AC Moores all take each others coupons just read carefully. Some say can only use 1 coupon per visit per day etc. I managed to pick up resin, catalyst, and Mold Release and Conditioner for under 25 dollars.