Question about C. Huahini.


Jan 11, 2024
So I've got a juvie C. Huahini.
He made his burrow under his corkbark hide pretty much straight away.
For the first week he was eating fine.
Suddenly he's disappeared and won't touch his food. It's been almost 2 weeks now I've not seen him and he's not touched any food that I put in.
Just wondering how long will they stay hidden if in premolt/molted?
I'm assuming that's why he's hiding.
I'm also aware that they are pet holes and you don't see them often. But he does usually get his food and I see legs. But not for the 2 weeks mentioned.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
Maybe he’s not hungry. There are loads of threads on this, search the forum.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Could be premolt, May just not be hungry. 2 weeks is a very short time in spider life to fast/disappear.
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Jan 11, 2024
It might be a bit. Sometimes tarantulas fast for even longer. I would wait a bit.
Thank you. I've had tarantulas go for a long time without food so I know it's expected. I was really just wondering at what point should I be worried he's not coming out?
Looking online and on this forum has given me multiple different answers so I thought I would just ask instead.
Pictures needed.

Probably molting.
Here's some pics of the enclosure.
I've seen him using the waterdish before he disappeared.
Substrate is kept damp but not wet misted once a week or once every 2 weeks if it looks like it's getting too wet.
I've also avoided wetting the front of the burrow as you can see so as not to disturb if molting.
Hope that helps.



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
So I've got a juvie C. Huahini.
He made his burrow under his corkbark hide pretty much straight away.
For the first week he was eating fine.
Suddenly he's disappeared and won't touch his food. It's been almost 2 weeks now I've not seen him and he's not touched any food that I put in.
Just wondering how long will they stay hidden if in premolt/molted?
I'm assuming that's why he's hiding.
I'm also aware that they are pet holes and you don't see them often. But he does usually get his food and I see legs. But not for the 2 weeks mentioned.
Thanks guys.
Assuming the abdomen is of a sufficient size there is nothing to be concerned about. Tarantulas will often hide away for lengthy periods of time, even slings, especially when they are approaching a molt.

Mike Withrow

Jul 24, 2022
This sounds like normal behavior to me. Has it webbed up the entrance to it's burrow with rather thick webbing? That's usually a sign they are shutting the door to prepare to molt.

My advice is to overflow the water dish in the corner you have it placed in now,and don't bother misting. Let the bottom layer of substrate remain damp. <<<<<<Damp not wet. And let the top inch in or better stay dry .

They will eventually dig around and find the areas they prefer and these guys do tend to do some heavy webbing. The less you are in the enclosure misting "which in my opinion does zero good" the sooner it will settle in.

As adults they have no problem turning to face what they perceive as a threat and defend themselves rather than shoot down their burrow like other chili species do. So keep that in mind if it's ever out and you decide to go poking around the enclosure.