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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Arachnoboards pretty much centers on people keeping animals and trying their best to properly care for them. On that note I am contemplating starting a thread which I would hope would be ongoing. To Wit: ANIMAL ABUSE - suspected. Please note the word suspected. This purpose of this sub forum is to promote the responsible ethical care of animals and to put into the public eye the chronic animal abusers. We aren't trying to accuse or indict abusers here, just helping bring to the public's attention a problem.

The criteria I recommend should be as rigidly adhered to as possible. That is, when posting, giving links, the linked information should be a reputable authority or reporting entity that does it's homework and gives citations and references in a transparent non biased manner. Mainstream media flash and crash noise should be avoided unless overwhelming supporting information is supplied.

I use the following link as an example of carefully researched information with numerous citations included including a government investigation of the alleged perpetrators. Mother Jones is exemplary of careful methodical investigative reporting, a weather vane so to speak, and the linked article demonstrates the proper use of citing proofs of each allegation they make.


Comments please?


Apr 27, 2012
depending on your beliefs we could all be considered "animal abusers" and must remember that sone people are just flat out against pets. in my early days I made mistakes, I admit to them now and take full responsibility however I am always trying to find the best ways to care for my animals. I still am not understanding the complete concept, and so a PM in depth or a public post here just slightly better understanding the core principals you want to base this off of, would help tons.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
Well what counts as animal abuse in most other countries might not count as animal abuse where you come from.