I heard that roaches were a better source of food for T's, so about a month and 1/2 ago, I bought a ton of roaches to feed to my T's. My G. Rosea (Goliath) ate two on the first day, and one a week and 1/2 later. My geckos and other T's COMPLETELY avoided them like the plague. I tried feeding them to Goliath last week, and he too avoided them and was skittish until I removed it. Thinking this was a fluke, I tried to feed him a couple days later to the same effect. I tossed in crickets right after and he tracked down three of them and took them all. He sat there for a long while truckin' them along in his mouth eating them. The others ate crickets as soon as I removed the roaches as well. Is this odd behaviour or have they just gotten so used to crickets they wont eat anything more unless they're practically starving? The roaches I tried to feed them were about 1/2 their sizes. I'd really like to continue feeding them the roaches, as they're scentless, noiseless, and breed like jackrabbits (not to mention I am told by a avid T keeper that they're FAR better for them and will not attack a T when molting etc). Thanks in advance for your responses