Python twitching?


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
So I've accepted the fact that my Python may die, and could be very sick. However, I'm willing to do anything I can to prevent this.

He will not take food. Usually did with thawed out pinkies. Has not eaten in almost two months, even when live food was presented. Besides being weak, I can't figure out what is wrong with him.

He does not yet have skin folds, and has some good muscle mass. But he is laying on his side for probably about half his body length, and continues to put his head on his side to the ground and sleeps in ackward and what appears to be un healthy positions.

He has been provided with a heat pad and a basking lamp, a hide, a huge water bowl, and right now he is covered with a towel to prevent any further stress.
I usually don't keep the humidity high to prevent a moist cage, but he definitely has enough water to bathe, drink, and to keep a slight humidity.

He also continues to open his mouth, to the point where he'll lay on his head with it open for awhile before closing it. He also bit me today, and bit HIMSELF, to the point where I had to pry him off of his own body, but then would not take a pinkie.

He's also been soaked in a bath.

Does anyone have ANY idea what's going on, or if these signs are fatal?

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
one possibility is internal parasites... ibd is possible but usually a long shot in the dark. once perasites have taken over they cut off the flow of oxigen to the brain and can cause very simular effects like what youve mentioned.. unfortinatly once its gotten that bad its usually to late.. not always though. a few treatments of flagyl might do the trick...

but thats a long shot... . if its worth it to you then a vet trip is in order but just know that it might be to little to late..

good luck


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Just wondering how your python is doing now? I hope he pulled through it.