Thinking about getting my first pokie. Would love a metallica but don't want to spend that much without knowing that I can keep a pokie successfully first! lol!! So, I was browsing the pokie picture thread and saw a bunch of gorgeous pokies and decided that I would like to get the one that has the most purple to it. Just when I decided on one, I saw another with more purple and now I'm just so confused, I need help!
Which pokie is the purple-est????
Thinking about getting my first pokie. Would love a metallica but don't want to spend that much without knowing that I can keep a pokie successfully first! lol!! So, I was browsing the pokie picture thread and saw a bunch of gorgeous pokies and decided that I would like to get the one that has the most purple to it. Just when I decided on one, I saw another with more purple and now I'm just so confused, I need help!