Pterinochilus sp.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2008
Can anyone tell me all the Pterinochilus species, i heard there are like 6 or 7. Murinus, ludardi, and chordatus. What els???


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Can anyone tell me all the Pterinochilus species, i heard there are like 6 or 7. Murinus, ludardi, and chordatus. What els???
Search engines are your friend. :)

That, or go take a look in the for sale section. Some of the certified (and even not) have insane lists that could give you some insight.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2004
Here you go :D

Pterinochilus alluaudi (BERLAND, 1914)
Pterinochilus chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Pterinochilus leetzi (SCHMIDT, 2002)
Pterinochilus lugardi (POCOCK, 1900)
Pterinochilus murinus (POCOCK, 1897)
Pterinochilus simoni (BERLAND, 1917)
Pterinochilus vorax (POCOCK, 1897) (Type species)

In agreement with Richard GALLON we propose special terms for all the different colour variations of Pterinochilus murinus and Pterinochilus chordatus:

P. murinus TCF: typical colour form
Named after the colouration of the type, different pale beigecolouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs and abdomen pale pink.
P. murinus RCF: red colour form
Long and short setae red/orange, often sold as P. mamillatus or P. spp. "usambara"
P. murinus UMV: Usambara Mountains variant
Probably a natural intergrade between TCF and RCF (but more close to TCF). Their coloration is more intensive yellow/pale orange than TCF.
P. murinus DCF: dark colour form
Coloured general darkgrey, partial black. Carapace gold/yellow with dark radial striae - those are not as intensive as P. murinus TCF. Rarely seen and not in the hobby. The abdominal pattern are the same in all colour variations.

P. chordatus TCF: typical colour form
Named after the colouration of the type. Coloured general grey/brown, Radial striae on the carapace with gold or silver sheen.
P. chordatus LCF: light colour form
Abdominal pattern similar to TCF. Coloured more pale grey/beige (similar to P. lugardi)
P. chordatus DCF: dark colour form
Colouration prominent darker than in P. chordatus TCF, partial total black without any abdominal pattern or radial striae on the carapace. Rarely seen - not in the hobby.
The intenseness of the general colouration can vary depending on the moult-interval. Maybe the transitions between the different colouration variants are fluently and not stable.

P. affinis TULLGREN, 1910 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. brunellii CAPORIACCO, 1940 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. carnivorus STRAND, 1917 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. hindei HIRST, 1907 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
P. mamillatus STRAND, 1906 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
P. mutus STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 1917
P. occidentalis STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 1917
P. raptor STRAND, 1906 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. sjostedti TULLGREN, 1910 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. widenmanni STRAND, 1906 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)

P. breyeri HEWITT, 1919 = Augacephalus breyeri (HEWITT, 1919)
P. constrictus STRAND, 1907 = Eucratoscelus constrictus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. crassispinus PURCELL, 1902 = Idiothele nigrofulva (POCOCK, 1898)
P. junodi SIMON, 1904 = Augacephalus junodi (SIMON, 1904)
P. meridionalis HIRST, 1907 = Ceratogyrus meridionalis HIRST, 1907
P. nigrofulvus POCOCK, 1898 = Idiothele nigrofulva (POCOCK, 1898)
P. schoenlandi POCOCK, 1900 = Trichognathella schoenlandi POCOCK, 1900
P. spinifer POCOCK, 1898 = Eucratoscelus constrictus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)

Coelogenium raveni (SMITH, 1990) = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Eucratoscelus tenuitibialis (SCHMIDT & GELLING, 2000) = P. lugardi POCOCK, 1900
Harpactira chordata GERSTÄCKER, 1873 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Harpactira elevata KARSCH, 1878 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
Idiothele pluridentatus (HEWITT, 1919) = P. lugardi POCOCK, 1900
Pterinochilides obenbergeri STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 191

Pterinochilides STRAND, 1920 = Pterinochilus POCOCK, 1897
Taken from ....