Search engines are your friend.Can anyone tell me all the Pterinochilus species, i heard there are like 6 or 7. Murinus, ludardi, and chordatus. What els???
Taken from .... agreement with Richard GALLON we propose special terms for all the different colour variations of Pterinochilus murinus and Pterinochilus chordatus:
P. murinus TCF: typical colour form
Named after the colouration of the type, different pale beigecolouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs and abdomen pale pink.
P. murinus RCF: red colour form
Long and short setae red/orange, often sold as P. mamillatus or P. spp. "usambara"
P. murinus UMV: Usambara Mountains variant
Probably a natural intergrade between TCF and RCF (but more close to TCF). Their coloration is more intensive yellow/pale orange than TCF.
P. murinus DCF: dark colour form
Coloured general darkgrey, partial black. Carapace gold/yellow with dark radial striae - those are not as intensive as P. murinus TCF. Rarely seen and not in the hobby. The abdominal pattern are the same in all colour variations.
P. chordatus TCF: typical colour form
Named after the colouration of the type. Coloured general grey/brown, Radial striae on the carapace with gold or silver sheen.
P. chordatus LCF: light colour form
Abdominal pattern similar to TCF. Coloured more pale grey/beige (similar to P. lugardi)
P. chordatus DCF: dark colour form
Colouration prominent darker than in P. chordatus TCF, partial total black without any abdominal pattern or radial striae on the carapace. Rarely seen - not in the hobby.
The intenseness of the general colouration can vary depending on the moult-interval. Maybe the transitions between the different colouration variants are fluently and not stable.
P. affinis TULLGREN, 1910 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. brunellii CAPORIACCO, 1940 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. carnivorus STRAND, 1917 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. hindei HIRST, 1907 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
P. mamillatus STRAND, 1906 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
P. mutus STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 1917
P. occidentalis STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 1917
P. raptor STRAND, 1906 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. sjostedti TULLGREN, 1910 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. widenmanni STRAND, 1906 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. breyeri HEWITT, 1919 = Augacephalus breyeri (HEWITT, 1919)
P. constrictus STRAND, 1907 = Eucratoscelus constrictus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
P. crassispinus PURCELL, 1902 = Idiothele nigrofulva (POCOCK, 1898)
P. junodi SIMON, 1904 = Augacephalus junodi (SIMON, 1904)
P. meridionalis HIRST, 1907 = Ceratogyrus meridionalis HIRST, 1907
P. nigrofulvus POCOCK, 1898 = Idiothele nigrofulva (POCOCK, 1898)
P. schoenlandi POCOCK, 1900 = Trichognathella schoenlandi POCOCK, 1900
P. spinifer POCOCK, 1898 = Eucratoscelus constrictus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Coelogenium raveni (SMITH, 1990) = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Eucratoscelus tenuitibialis (SCHMIDT & GELLING, 2000) = P. lugardi POCOCK, 1900
Harpactira chordata GERSTÄCKER, 1873 = P. chordatus (GERSTÄCKER, 1873)
Harpactira elevata KARSCH, 1878 = P. murinus POCOCK, 1897
Idiothele pluridentatus (HEWITT, 1919) = P. lugardi POCOCK, 1900
Pterinochilides obenbergeri STRAND, 1920 = P. simoni BERLAND, 191
Pterinochilides STRAND, 1920 = Pterinochilus POCOCK, 1897