Proposal of Tarantulas Being "Potentially" Added to CITES


Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
It seems some individuals have shared this on Social Media. Something along the lines of adding tarantulas to Appendex I & II for tarantula species. From what I understand, they're still unsure about adding some tarantula species unless more significant information is provided. I'm not too sure if this is something significant or not. But for those more well versed in this stuff, what do you think?

Here's a bit from the Notice from the Fish and Wildlife Service:

C. For which species is the United States unlikely to submit proposals for consideration at CoP20, unless we receive significant additional information?

241. Giant armored trapdoor spider ( Liphistius malayanus)—Add to Appendix I
242. Indian tarantula (Thrigmopoeus insignis)—Add to Appendix I
243. Tarantulas (Typhochlaena spp. [5 species])—Add to Appendix I [5 species]
244. Tarantula family (Theraphosidae) [all ~1,080 unlisted spp.]—Add to Appendix II
245. Mexican orange beauty tarantula (Brachypelma baumgarteni)—Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I
246. Mexican fireleg tarantula (Brachypelma boehmei)—Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I
247. Mexican redknee tarantula (hamorii)—Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I
248. Mexican blackvelvet tarantula (Brachypelma < TLILTOCATL > schroederi)—Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I

They say they're open to comments, so I guess people can give their thoughts on this.....

I'm not really the best person to go to when it comes CITES or regulations, but here is the link below:


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Thanks for the info 🙂

I'm the same, I'm not not up to date with CITES or in-depth details on regulations.

I know some basics, I'm not an importer or seller. If I ever decide to breed it will be specific ones, (like one or a couple) and I will give most away free. Most importantly I will research all CITES and regulations first. Not looking to break the law and further tarnish arachnoculture.


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Uhhhh...... Guys, reread that.

C. For which species is the United States UNLIKELY to submit proposals for consideration at CoP20, unless we receive significant additional information?
Likely what this means is another party in CITES has made the request for these additions and the US is saying they don't have an opinion either way.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
I thought Brachypelma species were doing better under current trade agreements that allowed for selective wild capture for captive breeding programs. I skimmed but didn’t see the rationale for those moves from Appendix II to I and am wondering if it’s more about trade than about conservation. Does anyone have insight to share on that? Did I miss it while scanning through that?