Problems with my ball


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2003
Hi all,

I've had my ball python girl for almost a year and a half now (she's a bit over 2 years old). She has always been very head shy and skittish, but she's worrying me more and more. This winter she stopped eating for almost 9 months, though recently she ate a few mice. This past weekend she refused to eat once again, but I noticed that her skin is looking very pre-shed like.

Yesterday she tried to shed, but she once again has failed to shed properly. Out of the 6 or 7 times she has shed around me, only 1 has been fully successful. All the other times required some sort of intervention from me to help her get the rest of the skin off. I soak her in warm water (she doesn't like it at all) and gently rub her skin. After a few days of these treatments I get all of it off, but she makes no effort to do so on her own.

Currently her head is shed by the rest of her is not. You can clearly see the skin that needs to come off, but she doesn't seem to want to do so. I know humidity is not an issue in her tank since I mist it morning and night, she has a very large water bown and I have a humidity meter for the room. I hardly ever handle her to not cause her stress and she has two large hideouts. I have another snake which is doing very well so I hope it's not my fault. I guess I'm just not sure what I could be doing wrong and it worries me horribly :confused:

Any advice and/or help would be very appreciated. Thank you.


Jan 21, 2004
I'd have a vet look at it. sounds like internal parasites, which are quite common in many wild caught species. Does it defecate right after a shed/bad shed? If it is parasites hopefully your vet can 'script some meds that will help. Try and find one who specializes, or has experience with reptiles. good luck


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2003
She did in fact go poopies right after the shed attempt. I don't think I know what that means, though. Either way, I will try to find a vet who specialized in reptiles as you suggest, hopefully that'll help her :(