Price of Brazilian Black , G. pulchra (Long)


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
I recently got my first T. She's a beautiful 3 year old female G. rosea (Chilean Rose). I got her from my friends' neighbor. After doing some serious research on her and lurking these and many other boards, I have become extremely interested in Tarantulas. When I got her, she was in a filthy 10 gal aquarium that was full of dead cricket remains and playsand substrata with no water dish, just a dirty old washcloth. So now I got her housed in a new clean 10 gal with vermiculite/peat mix and a proper water dish. The only problem now is I WANT MORE T's.
So I have decided on a G. Pulchra to keep in the old aquarium. Yes, I cleaned it out. So I was wondering if anyone here has any realy good info on this species.
Like where I can get an adult female ( all I can find are unsexed slings) and how much to pay, as well as any specific pros of cons of the beautiful brazilian black.
I cant seem to find much specific info on this species 'cause I guess it's rare.
Thx in advance-


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
There basically kept like the Chilean Rose you have. They like it dry so all is needed is a water dish. They are very nice spiders and great for any beginner of this great hobby. I would post in the classifieds u are looking for 1 and maybe someone will have one for sale.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2005
What a great story!

I just recently both lost my G. rosea, and got a new baby G. pulchra. I loved the G. rosea, but she was so special I don't think I'll ever get another one... The G. pulchra is shaping up to steal my heart just the same. I have a little 1" or so baby, and she lets me scoop her up and handle her even at this size! I thought that being so incredibly docile she might be shy of crickets, or a finicky eater, but she is also a great eater. I have heard that they are somewhat slow growers, which is why they are more difficult to find for sale as adults I think. I think that that is also the reason that every time they grow, the price goes up. I have only seen one or two adults for sale, and I think they were both wild caught, and were pretty expensive, several hundred dollars a piece. So far, this one seems like a pretty easy one to raise, and raising babies isn't nearly as difficult as it seems.

It's a good choice, I wish I'd gotten one sooner than I did.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2005
Jaygnar said:
I recently got my first T. She's a beautiful 3 year old female G. rosea (Chilean Rose). I got her from my friends' neighbor. After doing some serious research on her and lurking these and many other boards, I have become extremely interested in Tarantulas.-
That tends to happen, addictive little monsters :D


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2004
I haven't much advice to give you as I live in the UK but well done for picking a superb second tarantula! My first and second were G.rosea and pulchra too! :clap: I not have 4 roseas and the pulchra but I'm getting an adult female and male pulchra soon. I love these big black beauties! :worship:


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
Thank you all for your help, advice and enthusiasm. I'm still searching all the local and online dealers that I can find for a female G. pulchra. I don't realy care how big she is but I do want to confirm that she is female just so she'll be around for a while and price isn't a big deal because unce you get the spider maintainence and upkeep dont hardly cost at all. Wish me luck and thanx again everyone.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
Jaygnar said:
Thank you all for your help, advice and enthusiasm. I'm still searching all the local and online dealers that I can find for a female G. pulchra. I don't realy care how big she is but I do want to confirm that she is female just so she'll be around for a while and price isn't a big deal because unce you get the spider maintainence and upkeep dont hardly cost at all. Wish me luck and thanx again everyone.
I would probably just second that you could run an ad in the For Sale/Trade thread. I have a couple of G. Pulchras that are about 2 1/2 inches now, and they are both in pre molt, but I also had the same problem when I wanted to buy this species, and had to buy them as slings. As far as my opinion of this species in general, it's one of the best available I think. Good choice ;) might just want to go ahead and buy slings, cuz almost anyone who has an adult female is gonna want an arm and a leg for her. Last one I saw for sale that was a mature female was over 250 dollars. But if that really isn't a concern, go for it.
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