Preferences/Suggestions on UV Bulbs?


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I just realized that my old UVA/UVB bulb (which would have have needed to be replaced soon anyway) was thrown out when I moved a few months ago.

Now I need a new one, as I have a young blue tongue skink coming this week. I can take her out daily until the bulb arrives (Petco and Petsmart have limited selection), but I'm debating on the type of bulb I should purchase.

My first thought is to get a combination UV/heat bulb. I'm currently testing the cage set-up (40 gallon breeder, 16" tall), and it appears that a 150 watt basking light is too hot (107 F, maybe higher). So I need to invest in a 100 watt anyway. The problem seems to be that many UV bulbs have a limited reaching distance, and so several florescent and lower watt bulbs won't be suited for a 16" screen height.

When I factor in needing a 100 watt bulb, it appears that most UV/basking light combos (T-Rex, Sunforce) may not be able to reach. Zoo Med is what I used to use when I had a 24" tall cage, but it doesn't provide basking heat and so I'd have to have two very large light fixtures.

What do people on here with higher enclosures use? I don't mind running two lights if I have to. I'm considering keeping the basking light on one end and putting up an exo-terra repti-glo ( ) across the back. My only concern is if it will increase the heat, and exactly WHICH TYPE I should be using.

Another option is to use a stronger, 160 watt UV/basking combo and raise it higher off the screen using the old repti-lamp stand I have. This will increase the distance of the bulb from the ground, which may still be close enough for UV to reach while not cooking my poor lizard.
HELP! :worship:


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
They only UVB bulb I use is for my bearded dragon and it is 100 watt. The bearded dragon enclosure I have is 24" high. I just built up the basking area in one spot using patio bricks to get the desired height. I also have another halogen flood on a dimmer for extra heat. The MVB by itself was enough to get the basking around 95F. From what I understand mercury vapor bulbs need to be at least 12" away from the animal. Megaray or Trex both seem to be good choices. I have heard Powersuns dont last as long...


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
If you will forgive me for saying so, that type of UVB lighting is pretty worthless when it comes to providing proper UVB for captive Beardies.
If you really want to provide lighting that will give your animal the UVB intensity it requires you need to go with a Mega-Ray Mercury Vapor Bulb

Elytra and Antenna

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2002
Try a full-spectrum daylight spot (75 or 60w) from the local hardware store. Of course make sure it's daylight. I've found those work better for rearing small chameleons than many of the so-called 'reptile' bulbs.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I apologize.. I just read John's post and realized I forgot to click on the link you posted. I definately wouldn't use those compact coil lights. Not only do they waste a lot of energy, but they are horrible for the eyes of your pet. Several owners with BD's have complained about them burning the corneas of their pets. I am pretty sure they wouldn't be good for your skink as well. I agree a Mega-Ray MVB is a good way to go...


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
Try a full-spectrum daylight spot (75 or 60w) from the local hardware store. Of course make sure it's daylight. I've found those work better for rearing small chameleons than many of the so-called 'reptile' bulbs.
"Full Spectrum" bulbs, generally intended for plants will NOT supply the UVB required by diurnal desert species like a Bearded Dragon. Thye may work well for nocturnal species that really do not need UVB but are a waste on diurnal species.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
looks like i'll be getting a mega-ray. it seems to put out roughly the same amount of heat as an incandescent bulb, so i'll use a 100 watt to replace the current basking light. using both bulbs at the same time would destroy the heat gradient and probably cook my poor girl.


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
looks like i'll be getting a mega-ray. it seems to put out roughly the same amount of heat as an incandescent bulb, so i'll use a 100 watt to replace the current basking light. using both bulbs at the same time would destroy the heat gradient and probably cook my poor girl.
That is what I do for my Box Turtles in the winter and my Anoles year round. Wise choice!!