I tried another place before that but they canceled my order and told me that they would not be carrying them anymore. There was a post about it someplace regarding mites.
There's also the type of predatory mites that prey on pest species of mite, not necessarily parasitic. Where I work, we see them sometimes living with rust mites (~0.1 mm long) and once in a great while I catch one eating a rust mite. The rust mites aren't visible to the naked eye, and the predatory mites look like a speck of dust running around.
Generally, predatory mites are beneficial (unless you're raising a colony of pest mites for research :? ), and much more active than their prey items.
Predatory mites will not eliminate pest mites. Like other biologicical controls will cut down but not eliminate the pests. Other means must be used to eliminate pest species. In captivity you dont want to control but eliminate pests.
Digby Rigby
New email address until the exoticfeeders link gets fixed
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