Dude, that green is an awesome find! I've only ever found one, and it was DOR...great ID's I didn't know the 2nd ringneck til I saw the head and neck but he was shy in that picture
The brown one with the smooth green is also a ringneck, and those 2 redbelly pics are 2 different snakes, all of these were found within 50 yards of each other as well, I didn't look overly hard but next time I will be sure to devote a little more time to it.
Also never chase a porcupine in order to get a picture of him, I was kinda worried about him coming after me, they move really slow but I'm not overly quick myself, should have video taped him so you could hear the noise he was making, not happy at all, was within 15 ft on that picture didn't wanna disturb him much more than that.