Already a thread for enclosureI wanted to start a thread where I could see arboreal enclosures and T's.
I like this one alot!Here is mine for my female Cyriopagopus schioedtei.
They do very well as long as you give them plenty of decor and almost a sort of micro enviroments within the enclosure. I have added cork bark to this enclosure to accomplish that. They both have there silken homes at opposite sides of the enclosure. Last time they encountered each other the female watched the unsexed one to see what it was doing and they both went there seperate ways without a problem. The worst I have seen yet was a small threat display and that was it... nothing more. The unsexed one I believe has closed off its silken home to molt. Hopefully I can have it sexed with its molt. I also have a buddy who I bought these off of that actually has 4 P. irminias living in one ten gallon enclosure as well with little to know problems. But on the other hand I know someone else who has lost two males to his one female. I'm not sure of his setup though.harley hunter!! Please keep me updated on how irminia's do communal!!! that would be awsome man=)