I have a X.vittata and he now has blisters all over his body as well as being very lethargic. It popped up after his last feeding. Is this blister disease? I'm taking him to the vet as soon as possible
Usually blisters are by the animal being kept way to humid and have inadequate air flow in the enclosure which causes bacteria population to explode and infect your kritter, or they can also be caused by types of parasites that live underneath the skin and cause inflamation and fluid build up in the surrounding area. If its a WC animal that may very well be the case. Id take it to a vet that has expierence with exotics and see what their diagnosis is. They should dry up quickly ith the proper treatment. Good Luck!
Well I took him to the vet but he died that night. The whole batch we recieved I think was wild caught and every single one died. He was the last. It turned out to be a septicemia infection. Poor baby. I tried.
The airflow wasn't a problem because he was in a mesh habitat that was 18"x 12"x 20". I think the whole batch was sick to begin with.
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