Poor T was killed


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2008
So there's this haunted house here in town called Mind Seizure. One of the things they do is to put snakes or Ts up in people's faces while they're waiting in line to go in.
Well, some rocket scientist put a T on a girl's shoulder and it got knocked off. The poor thing died.
F'ing idiots. I'm so ticked off about that.:mad:


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
What? i would be so outraged
That is extremely irresponsible
for three reasons
one you are putting the animal in extreme harm like in this case
two you are putting the person harm
most likely who ever did this was most likely mishandling the poor spider
the tarantula could of bit her or flicked it urticating bristles
and the the other person could be allergic

third reason. arachnophobia is a really deep seated fear
no one should mess with that i have seen people full grown
wet their pants, scream and even pass out at the site of a molt
( i brought one into school the other day it was only 2'' molt shed pretty awesome, had plenty of extreme reactions)
and on the other extreme people will kill them on site.

not a lot of people understand tarantulas or have any contact with
whether this a good thing or bad (contact) spiders in general are heavily misunderstood and have either been feared or worshiped for thousands of year

you should slap the person who brought out the poor T


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
did you file any complaints or anything
that right there is a pretty bad case of endangerment

get that guy fired . not acceptable


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
That's so retarded! I would've at first said if he wanted to do that, why didn't he at the very least use a FAKE one!! However, still isn't helping an arachnophobic or any of our hobbies when a knucklehead does something like that(had to explain to my BF why it wasn't really funny when an employee at the Target he works at did that with a customer using a Halloween decoration. He no longer thought it was funny and talked to the guy) We are already struggling in education about spiders and tarantulas to people who don't want to understand things so different from ourselves. :wall:

Poor little tarantula... could have had a great home and care with anyone else here instead of being used as a prop.. :mad: :(


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
To the majority of people, tarantulas are just extra big, extra icky, extra creepy spiders that need squashing.

:( Poor T

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
To the majority of people, tarantulas are just extra big, extra icky, extra creepy spiders that need squashing.

:( Poor T

I flip out on people that parade around with their T's like they were some kind of decoration. There's "handling," and there's rediculous extremes. Not only do they put the T in danger, but stress it out, and frighten the "normal" people we spend so much effort in disuading the notion that spiders are fearsome bugs.

Unfortunately, some people are so locked into their fear they cannot be reasoned with. And that is fine, as it is their right as a human being. However, people on both sides of the fence go to rediculous extremes to push their ideals. And with the hobby side almost always being the losing side of the equation, we have a responsibility to not do crap that could potentially become detrimental to our hobby.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
You should definitely file a complaint. It's dangerous to the tarantula AND to the person.
If they're unwilling to care for the tarantula's safety, you can bet your booty they'll at least be willing to care about the person's safety who could've gotten urticating hairs in their eyes and SUED. The best way to hit a business is by telling them it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
You should definitely file a complaint. It's dangerous to the tarantula AND to the person.
If they're unwilling to care for the tarantula's safety, you can bet your booty they'll at least be willing to care about the person's safety who could've gotten urticating hairs in their eyes and SUED. The best way to hit a business is by telling them it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
This is a VERY good point, MissChelly.

People aren't likely to take you seriously if you argue for a T's "rights."

But the words "lawsuit" and "sue" speak in an attention-getting language even arachnophobes will understand.