Poecilotheria rufilata


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
what does everyone think of this spieces??im starting to like pokes alot and this is the one that appeals the most to me and wanna get a couple down the road sometime.i just wanna know if you have one what do you think of it??


Old Timer
Apr 10, 2003
I'm a HUGE fan of the rufilata! Info is scarce out there, but I think www.bighairyspiders.com has a little info on them. Apparently the rufilata, or "ruffies", are close to, if not THE largest poecilotheria species out there (the ornata seems to take this claim more often, but some sources indicate the ruffies have achieved larger sizes).

Personally, I love the coloration on these more than any other - it's right up there with the C. thorelli/schiodtei, A. purpurea, and H. lividum in my book.

As far compared to other pokies, ruffies supposedly have a reputation for being slightly more defensive than most other pokies, but I'd like to point out that my little guy is quite a chicken and frequently runs from me when I approach.

I think ruffies are among some of the most underappreciated Ts on this forum - but that's mainly my observation. All pokies are incredible, without a doubt - just make sure you KNOW what your getting into as far as pokies are concerned. I'm not gonna tell you they are the most dangerous or that they warrant any more/less precaution (okay, MORE!) - just be absolutely certain that the risk factor is slightly higher when dealing with any pokies, please.



Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by LCDXX
I'm a HUGE fan of the rufilata! Info is scarce out there, but I think www.bighairyspiders.com has a little info on them. Apparently the rufilata, or "ruffies", are close to, if not THE largest poecilotheria species out there (the ornata seems to take this claim more often, but some sources indicate the ruffies have achieved larger sizes).

Personally, I love the coloration on these more than any other - it's right up there with the C. thorelli/schiodtei, A. purpurea, and H. lividum in my book.

As far compared to other pokies, ruffies supposedly have a reputation for being slightly more defensive than most other pokies, but I'd like to point out that my little guy is quite a chicken and frequently runs from me when I approach.

I think ruffies are among some of the most underappreciated Ts on this forum - but that's mainly my observation. All pokies are incredible, without a doubt - just make sure you KNOW what your getting into as far as pokies are concerned. I'm not gonna tell you they are the most dangerous or that they warrant any more/less precaution (okay, MORE!) - just be absolutely certain that the risk factor is slightly higher when dealing with any pokies, please.


TY for the info, i agree you dont hear people talk about them too much, and they are underappreciated, i also agree with you on the colors they are great!!!Some of the coolest colors i have seen, for me no T is really too hard to take care of or too agressive, too me anywayz i have an h.maculata,H.gigas, and an usambra i havent really had any problems with them i have had one escape never been bitten in 7 years of having T's i know what im getting myself into, and i have a good amount of respect for all the animals in my care...I just wanted to do alittle more research and find out alittle bit more about them before i go out and get one. Thank you again for the info:D


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
P. rufilata

Originally posted by Sean
what does everyone think of this spieces??im starting to like pokes alot and this is the one that appeals the most to me and wanna get a couple down the road sometime.i just wanna know if you have one what do you think of it??
Hi Sean,

These are one of my favorite pokes (and one of my favorite theraphosids)!

From what I have heard, unlike what LCDXX has heard, is that these are one of the calmer pokes.

Very nice species! I love the coloration, very unique IMHO.




Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Don't know about underappreciated Heck i love em as do most folks who have them. I think the reason you don't hear too much about them is that not a ton of folks have them. While not as rare as say subfusca they still aren't that common either.
