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Poecilotheria ornata


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
I didn't keep very good records but will estimate the timeline. I started to introduce the male into my female's enclosure sometime in December. I saw an extremely brief hookup which I doubt was successful. I kept putting him back and taking him out a number of times during January with no action. I then put him in for an extended amount of time (approx 1 week) which resulted in a dead but not eaten male. After several months I figured it was a no go.

Yesterday evening she started making what looked like the beginning of an eggsac. At about 2:30 a.m. I saw eggs and she was in the process of wrapping it up. At the time it didn't look like the layer of silk was thick enough. At 6:00 a.m., she still looked like she was trying to wrap up the sac, and the webbing looked very thin. Finally, this afternoon, I found she had eaten the eggs.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Two females bred tonight.

Tonight I bred two Ornata females. The temps in the T room were at about 78 degrees. I had have two freshly mature males that have been eating and both have been seen making sperm webs. This evening both females were out wandering and both males were drumming.

The pics I'll add in here are of the first female. The lid of the tank was left off through the whole process. MM was introduced into the females tank. Lighting in the room was one lamp in the corner so I could see what was going on.

MM starting drumming almost instantly and the female responded eagerly. The MM then led the female out of the tank onto the floor. After coaxing her out about a foot from the tank entrance he dove in for an insert. Following the insert the female turned and went right back into her tank all on her own.
The same process was repeated with the second female and had the exact same results.

I have a third female that was bred about 6 weeks ago in the same manner. But with this female she co habited with the MM till he died. Updates on that female will be added when and if there are results.

The females will both be fed for a few weeks, and misting will slowly be reduced and then stopped for up to 2 months with only a water dish present. I will watch for signs of swelling, and then resume misting every few days till the sac is produced. There will be no temperature increase or decrease for this whole process. The temps will stay between 77-80.

Sorry about the bad pics, everyone was moving and I was waiting to catch rogue Ts when they were done. One MM was easy to catch, the second one not so much he is still somewhere in the closet.

Right before the insert.

Right after the insert.

Evidence of the deed. :D


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Successful !!!

This female was bred 6 months ago. She was bred in the same manner as the ones mentioned above.

On 10/12/07 a sac was produced about three months after the pairing.

On 10/28/07 eggs with legs.

On 11/20/07 1st instar.

On 12/12/07 2nd instar.

Total count that made it to 2nd instar 138.

An interesting note is the mother of these slings molted on the 12/07/07, and was mated again with a fresh MM on 12/13/07. So it will be interesting to see how she responds to being bred again so quickly. She was very receptive and the breeding went off without a hitch.

Here is one picture of the little buggers.



Old Timer
Mar 21, 2007
Successful? Yes

Special care or preliminary notes: Female molted on 6/7/08. Male was not witnessed making a sperm web although he was given ample opportunity to make one.

How they were paired: Male was introduced a a few times initially. Female showed little interest in mating. Although she was tapping, she wouldn't come far out of her hide. There was no aggression towards the male. I then put the male and female's opened enclosures in a rubbermaid container for a period of 2 weeks. They cohabited from 7/20/08 to 8/03/08. Every time I'd open the container, the male was observed just sitting on her piece of cork bark. I figured if they hadn't mated in the 2 weeks they were cohabitating, they weren't going to do it at all. The male was then sent off to a new female.

Observations on the hookup: No hookup was witnessed.

Special post mating care: No cooling period was given to the female. However, I did give a dry period. The female's enclosure was not misted or allowed any type of moisture other than a water dish from 8/03/08 to 10/18/08. At this time, eggs can be clearly seen in her abdomen by holding a flashlight up to it. I then began to flood her enclosure by pouring about 20 oz or so of water in it, but being careful not to allow water to seep into her hide. I also misted her enclosure about twice a week until a sac was produced.

Time to sac: Sac was produced on 12/05/08. 124 days after the cohabitation period ended.

Care of the sac - The egg sac was pulled on 1/06/09. The eggs were in the eggs-with-legs stage. The incubator consisted of a plastic shoebox with 2 rows of holes melted in the lid and the bottom lined with paper towels. The paper towels were to remain constantly wet at all times. The eggs-with-legs were then placed in a deli cup lined with a coffee filter and the open deli was placed in the shoebox container. I encountered some problems with incubation. At one point, it appeared as if the eggs were becoming dehydrated. It was suggested to me to lightly mist the eggs to rehydrate them. I did and continued to do so every week or so until they reached 1st instar. 1st instar was reached on 1/30/09. I still continued to mist to keep the coffee filter moist, but not soaked. The 1st instar then began to darken on 2/20/09 and I decided to separate them at this time. 2nd instar was then reached on 2/24/09.

Final details: The final count is 174.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
Poecilotheria ornata;

Bred early june.

Laid a sack 19. june 2010

sack opened 12.june 2010

approx 100.



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007

Female number: Po_or_4

Female's most recent molt: 3 Mar 10

Male number: Po_or_8

Male's ultimate molt: 1 Mar 10

First pairing: 5 May 10

Final pairing: Same

Total number of pairings: 1

Eggsac found: 12 Jul 10

Eggsac pulled: 31 Jul 10

Stage of slings when pulled: Eggs with legs

1st instar molt date: 12 Aug 10

2nd instar molt date: 29 Aug 10



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007

Female number: Po_or_6

Female's most recent molt: Feb 2010

Male number: Po_or_9

Male's ultimate molt: 9 Mar 10

First pairing: 13 Apr 10

Final pairing: 5 May 10

Total number of pairings: 2

Eggsac found: 11 July 10

Eggsac pulled: 31 Jul 10

Stage of slings when pulled: Eggs with legs

1st instar molt date: 12 Aug 10

2nd instar molt date: 29 Aug 10



Old Timer
Mar 31, 2006




Date female moulted last

14th Febuary 2010

Date male matured

19th November 2009/5

Last mating date

27th April 2010

Mating behavior

Male was coxed out of his enclosure and started tapping
loudly when he descoverd the female she only tapped a
little but was very receptive the deed was quick and the
female made a run for it afterwards instead of the male.
Sperm packet was witnessed in the spermathecae

Tank conditions and temperatures before mating

This female was kept at around 70 degrees, echo earth was kept damp with a water dish and misting 3-4 times a month

Feeding schedule before mating

After moulting she was fed 2 male b. dubias and large adult b. lateralis and before mating 1 larg b. lateralis female

Tank conditions and temperatures after mating

70 degrees F. Echo earth was damp

Feeding schedule after mating

2 b. dubia males 1x a week

Date eggsack produced

13 July

Date eggsack removed/hatched

22 Sept 2010 hatched with mother

Development times of nymphs

22 Sept 2010 1st. insrar

Total number of spiderlings


Additional notes


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Third and final P. ornata sac of 2010 finally made it to 2nd instar:

Female number: Female on reverse 50/50 loan from a local collector (Thanks Art!)

Female's most recent molt: Unknown

Total Molts Since Previous Eggsac: NA

Male number: Po_or_9

Male's ultimate molt: 9 Mar 2010

First pairing: 4 Aug 2010

Final pairing: 4 Aug 2010

Total number of pairings: 1

Eggsac found: 18 Nov 2010

Eggsac pulled: 10 Dec 2010

Stage of slings when pulled: Post Embryos (eggs with legs)

1st instar molt date: 30 Dec 2010

2nd instar molt date: 18 Jan 2010

Photo summary:

Can't locate the mating pics on photobucket and I don't want to upload any more pics tonight.



Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008

The female was paired a few times late 2010, but no insertions were witnessed. The first male used was very sluggish and most likely didn't get the job done before being eaten. A second, very fresh male was purchased shortly before the female dropped her sac to ensure that insertions were made. The eggsac was laid on 4/24/11 and was pulled on 5/15/11. At that point they were all eggs with legs. 1st instar was reached on 6/8/11 and 2nd instar on 7/5/11. Final count was 76.



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Female ID: Po_or_7

Female's most recent molt: 27-Feb-11

Molts since last eggsac: NA

Male ID: Po_or_Art's Male

Male's ultimate molt: April-11

1st Pairing: 2-Jun-11

Total Pairings: 1

Eggsac found: 7-Aug-11

Eggsac Pulled: 2-Sep-11

Condition upon opening: Post embryos

1st instar molt: 9-Sep-11

2nd instar molt: 29-Sep-11



Post Embryos

First Instars

2nd Instars


martin lees

Nov 20, 2011
Poecilotheria ornata

AF2 molted 21/12/12.
One of my P.ornata males matured over Xmas 2012 so I waited until he has done a sperm web and put him in with the AF on 4/1/13. So lasted two nights before he became a meal for her.I witnessed no inserts,but heard plenty of tapping from both spiders when the lights went out.
She was kept at around 72'f for the next few months and fed normally.
Early March 2013,her tank was moved up to the top shelf and she was fed more heavily.and few weeks later the substrata was wetted.
Dropped eggsack 16/4/13
Pulled eggsack 15/5/13 all were EWL
The EWL were put into a new incubator I made up myself and non were lost.
Molted to slings on 18/6/13
Total 112
