hi i have two wator monitors my female is a few months and the male is 3 years but the male is only 2 feet long and wont get any bigger any idea why??????
What is the size of the cage you have him in and is that the size you got him at? Next if he ahs been in a small cage for all 3 years then he may not get any bigger. You need a larg cage for them and if you keep them in the same cage then you need to have a very larg cage. I know some people that have a hole room just for there's.
To small go to at lest 6' by 4' this is large i know but they need room to move. and if they are in the same cage is the female letting him move. You need to have alot of room for two in one tank or put them in tanks alone. Also what kind of light and what kind and how much food do they get?
they both get two rats every two days and they get a bowl of mario worms and they are in seperate tanks the male had been miss treated by the guy i got him off
Let's check out your setup to see if that can be the problem. First of all water monitors need a very high basking temp. at least 130F. I like mine to be about 150F. Two feet is rather small, especially for a three year old. Try feeding him everyday. Whole prey items only such as rats and mice. They need the calcium from the bones or else you will have to give them a full spectrum lamp and vita supplements. I'm not familiar with mario worms but I also feed mine roaches. They need a water bowl big enough for them to get into I suggest a mortar mixing tub for the bigger waters. Try this and then get back to me.
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