Please help


Apr 20, 2010
hi everyone, Iv been in the hobby for a while now and want to try my luck with breeding.

I have a MM grammostola sp north and a MF grammostola sp north.

Im not sure when he matured as i bought him to breed, So can you guys help me or give me a few tips on how to do this.

How can i tell if he is ready to do his thing ?

How can i tell if his palps are loaded ?

How long would i have to wait before he begins to tap when i put him with the female ?

should i make the room cooler or warmer ?

should i do this day or night or preferably with minimul lighting ?

and anything else i may have missed

Please help me i dont no were to start =[

cheers in advance



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
so... i love talking about bugs and all... but you really should do a bit of searching. read up on breeding Grammostola rosea and the other species to get an idea of all the things you could possibly see and have to "worry" about

ifyou still have some specific questions and get back to here with them i can almost guarantee that i will give you paragraphs of answers =P

or paragraphs of replies, at any rate =P


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
1. & 2.: Has he made a sperm web? Do you know how to recognize a sperm web? (I don't,really)

2. Depends;has the female tapped back,does she seem defensive rather than receptive?

3. It's my understanding that a bit warmer is helpful. Experienced breeders will chime in with more detail on that,for sure.

4.My understanding is minimal lighting and preferably in the evening/night, but not mandatory.

Hope this helps. There are lots of experienced breeders on here. I am giving the info that I gathered here from discussions/threads by breeding attempts and/or experienced breeders. That means take my answers with a grain of salt until you gather more info. My response is just a start;)
*EDIT* I see cacoseraph has beat me as 'first responder'; I type too slow:eek:
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