Pinktoe and her NEW Tunnel Web


Jan 13, 2005
Hello to all!

Well my pinktoe which I have had for about 6 weeks now has once again suprised me.

After many weeks of staying out in the open and walking the walls, she has decided to go into hiding, kind of.

After a large feeding of about 6 crickets in about 3 days she began to build a web, first one so far.It is a true tunnel web. Wide at the top with a narrow opening at the bottom.

I will take some pics and post them as soon ASAP for all of you to enjoy.

Anyway,after completing her web, she has been stationary in the web at the top for at least 5 days now.She may come out at night and wonder around but during my waking hours she is not out at all.

So my question is this:
- Is this normal
- Is this a pre molt clue
- Is she tired of looking my ugly face
- Help.....aaaarrrggggg

So any input you folks could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Im probably just a worry wart but I want to make sure everything is ok for her.



Old Timer
Sep 28, 2004
I got an avic recently, too :D Mine did the same thing- hung around the walls for a month, then just decided to build herself a web- did you get to watch ? It's pretty amazing, the acrobatics they go through! I haven't seen her out and about since. She ate alot at first, and now she's not eating much at all- maybe one cricket a week. I wouldn't worry if I were you.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2003
This is perfectly normal. My aviv.avic has a lovely tube web extension to her hollow cork bark log. I had to demolish her original web when I bought her, so that I could get her out and check her condition. I remember that I was amazed at the strength of the webbing. I expected it to be flimsy and delicate, like a house spider web, but it is rigid, like laminated paper.

On a side note, my pinktoe originally spent ALL her time in her retreat, only ever showing her toes off at the entrance. I put a big heat mat one the side of the tank and nowadays she sometimes comes out frequently and hunts locusts. Her temperature requirements are a bit higher than any of my NW terrestrials.


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
my avic. avic did not get into web making for about 3 months. after that she just made a flat web on a concave part of a log i have in there and she just sits and waits most of the time. i have seen her down to hunt and when she snares a cricket she goes back up to her web to eat. no funnel just like a web bed.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
This is normal, and could possibly be a molt cue..but I haven't had enough of my arboreals molt to know if this is fairly common.

My P Cambridgei built a tube web and began hiding as much as possible near the bottom..about 2 weeks or so after finished the tube web, it molted.