Pink Toe Feeding & Webbing


Jul 2, 2022
I have a juvenile pink toe that I originally did not want (Long story: ordered a Fireleg from a local shop, even gave exact species name on paper, had my mom pick it up, they ordered me the pink toe since they couldn't get a fireleg and I had mentioned i thought pink toes were cute. would not take it back since my mom took it and didn't understand what she was getting)

So I had to scramble to set up a proper arboreal tank rather than the terrestrial tank I had ready. And so far its good tank wise. Its webbed up in the corner so far.
But he is not active. Completely webbed. I assume he can get out and cut the web if needed. But its very thick and doesn't seem to have an entrance.
But hes also not eating?
Is he stuck? Shy? There is a meal worm there, alive. But I can't get it out anymore and try a cricket/small roach.

I only know terrestrial. I've tried to read up on as much a possible to give a good home. I didn't think it would be too different.
He doesn't seem to be in premolt either and I'm just starting to panic.
Any help with anything related to this would help so much. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong somehow, especially because it was a complete surprise to get this species. Would have preferred to have been prepared to get it rather than what I'm doing now.


Apr 13, 2021
Get a photo of the enclosure and post it here so people can advise you. It's good that the spider is webbing and if it is closed off and not eating it may well be moulting. It will not be stuck in its own web.


Jan 23, 2021
He doesn't seem to be in premolt either and I'm just starting to panic
It might be, sounds like it has sealed itself in (picture of the enclosure would help), or it just doesn't want to eat. Either way it's not an issue if it's not eating, tarantulas can survive for long periods without food. Panicking WILL make things worse causing you to act rashly, remain calm, don't just throw food to it & hope it feeds.
Any help with anything related to this would help so much. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong somehow, especially because it was a complete surprise to get this species. Would have preferred to have been prepared to get it rather than what I'm doing now.
Read links provided by @moricollins, use the search function here on Arachnoboards to see what other experienced keepers have commented about some of your issues.
Completely webbed. I assume he can get out and cut the web if needed. But its very thick and doesn't seem to have an entrance.
Yes, they can break through the webbing. Highly unlikely to be stuck.

Edit: Also, when feeding mealworms in future, crush the head a bit to reduce the chances of it escaping from you if the T isn't eating
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Aug 18, 2022
Are you sure the mealworm is alive? If it's stuck in there the T will eventually kill and eat it or kill it and kick it out of the webbing.
Secondly, they will seal their tubes off much like terrestrials and fossorials close their burrows off when they don't want to be disturbed.

Would be good to see your set-up in a photo as others have suggested. I mostly own arboreals so if I got a fossorial I would be scrambling like you are...kudos for coming here to ask


Jul 2, 2022
It might be, sounds like it has sealed itself in (picture of the enclosure would help), or it just doesn't want to eat. Either way it's not an issue if it's not eating, tarantulas can survive for long periods without food. Panicking WILL make things worse, remain calm, don't just throw food to it & hope it feeds.

Read links provided by @moricollins, use the search function here on Arachnoboards to see what other experienced keepers have commented about some of your issues.

Yes, they can break through the webbing. Highly unlikely to be stuck.

Edit: Also, when feeding mealworms in future, crush the head a bit to reduce the chances of it escaping from you if the T isn't eating
It is crushed!
I don't love feeding worms since I have terrestrial pets. And so with them I'm just use to being a little paranoid.

I believe its alive. I gave a mist when I got home and it twitched and such. But it will not be alive much longer I assume since I crush the heads of all my meal worms and super worms for safety.
The pink toe is still reactive as well which I assume is good. But not jumpy either. just moves away when I open the door. (web is attached to both the side and top door)

If I remember I will take pics when back home to get help. Could probably use extra arboreal tank set up advise.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Once you get all settled and dialed in, I think you'll find aboreals are pretty awesome and will be a fun new experience.