it has extreamly short hair and builds a little blanket that it stays under...not quite a trapdoor. just a blanket and it pops out and grabs a cricket and drags it under.
$5 wholesale thats like 20 pet store price. it was sold to me as a tanzanian black. but I'm allmost positive its a dwarf. eats like a pig. does anyone else have one of these? they may be small but they are cool.
the seemani is about 3-4 inches and the stripe are not clear at all im hoping after this molt her abdomin is darkining and she is webbing like crazy so in a few days I will have a fresh molt pic.
Will look for it cus seemanis are cool Actually wanted one as my first T but as I got the store they did not have anymore but instead I got 2 l.parahybanas for the same price I would have had to pay for one seemani
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