picc pics!!!! of monitor eatin a rat....blood!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2006

what was onces a rat....:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

wheres the head????

i fed this rat to him yesterday. dude i heard the skull of the rats skull crush in the his mouth.blood every where.:eek:


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
i can just hear it now lol...nothing like a good game of hit the rat against the glass, to get peoples blood boiling {D watch out...


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2007
Thanks for labeling the rat, monitor, and blood or else I might not have been able to correctly identify what was what {D


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Was that really necessary? I hope that rat wasnt alive when you fed it. If it was i hope next time the rat tears your monitor a new one so you might learn from this stupidity.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2005
Ha Ha, now all the people who dont like the way others do things will come out of the wood work. Sheeesh


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Live food is more enjoyable to watch! Heck the monitors love it clearly, look at them go when they see a live rat! :D I'm assuming the rat was alive because the blood is quite runny unless the kill was really fresh.

So yeah there's a risk of injury but that's not an issue seriously, many many people live feed. No need to argue. This dude and many others are not going to change their method.

Besides, how can one apreciate such a great specimen if he's munching on a cold corpse?

Nice photos dude, but a little over enthusiastic with the labeling there ;)


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
Was that really necessary? I hope that rat wasnt alive when you fed it. If it was i hope next time the rat tears your monitor a new one so you might learn from this stupidity.
Wow....you wish harm upon an animal to teach a human a lesson? Great logic, there. :?


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
I truly hope that you pre-killed the rat. One big bite and you could get a systemic infection and kill your monitor.
Please, I understand wanting to see "nature" at home.. BUT you are anthropromorphising your monitor. It doesn't care if its frozen/thawed, pre-killed or live. If you twitch it with a pair of tongs, it will go after it. That is a feeding reflex/response. It is instinctive.
Please think about things before posting them, and why you do what you do.
That is a bad example for people.


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Hooray for another debate in the making.
I can't really be bothered with this, it's going to be people disagreeing and not actually getting anywhere so I'll say what my experience is and leave it.

Not everyone anthropomorphises, y'know, because they speak from expereince - some reptiles refuse pre-killed prey. Many people feed live food. If I ever have an animal injured I'll come right away and tell you but I know plenty of people keeping reptiles that are yet to get an injury. Let's not bubble wrap our animals ok? There is a risk, I'll take it, the risk is on my shoulders. It's a difference in opinion like the substrate wars. Some have bad experiences, most don't.

If he was keeping his monitor in the fridge and feeding it lettuce you can get angry. This guys animal looks healthy, if he has a problem he'll deal with it. Let him have is fun.
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Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
seeing stuff killing other stuff is more enjoyable. no
The monitor is loving it. no
a risk of injury is not a seriously issue. no

Choobaine, you certainly underestimated what could the live rat that size done to that monitor. I learned it the hard way. I hope the rat was pre-killed, if not, you got lucky this time. And its prefectly fine and apreciated feeding the monitor a cold corpse. Both good for the rat and the monitor.


Live food is more enjoyable to watch! Heck the monitors love it clearly, look at them go when they see a live rat! :D I'm assuming the rat was alive because the blood is quite runny unless the kill was really fresh.

So yeah there's a risk of injury but that's not an issue seriously, many many people live feed. No need to argue. This dude and many others are not going to change their method.

Besides, how can one apreciate such a great specimen if he's munching on a cold corpse?

Nice photos dude, but a little over enthusiastic with the labeling there ;)


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Allright well there's one person. Experience counts for good information, what happened exactly and how did your animal die? I've never had troubles feeding live food on the very very few occasions in which I did.

Well fair play, fair enough, but please man, next time, try politeness, thank you.

As regards to seeing a predator kill it's prey - you may not enjoy that sight but I do. It's a breathtaking experience and sends shivers down my spine. The few times I was privelaged to watch it I loved it.
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Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
Seeing a monitor feeding on a live prey is fascinating. It's called NATURE. And if you like to watch it feed, you enjoy watching nature.

There's not a single problem feeding it live food. You all feed your Ts, scorps, and other herps live crickets and mealworms, don't you?

And if you're all sad about the rat being abused, think about how many chickens and cows and pigs you eat. Ever eaten KFC? You should see what the people do to the chickens.

And trust me, what is a rat going to do to a monitor? It's teeth won't be enough to penetrate through the monitor's tough scales.

It's a fact of life. Animals eat other animals. What do you think they eat in the wild? No one is out there providing them with frozen rats.
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Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
{D IMO I do my best to feed my snakes and lizards dead prey, unless they have to eat live ones. If my Ts eat dead crickets, you bet I would feed them dead crickets. The concert I have here would be the rat that size could EASILY harm that monitor. Like I said, DO NOT ever underestimate what a rat that size can do, clearly enough, you have not a clue. I have no problem seeing animals being eatten by the other animals, but in nature, where they hunt their prety down but not by you throwing in the rat in a retangular glass tank where the rat has no place to hide. If you want to WATCH nature, you might consider throw in a some hawls, some rattle snakes which could be found where the monitor lived. Better yet, do not feed it, cuz they don't find food all the time in nature. Thats not enjoyable to watch, is it? Lets not talk about nature. When an animal is in captivity, you do whats best for the animal. I don't feel sad for the rat, Again, don't underestimate what a rat can do. My 8' redtail got blinded by the rat, they might not be able to bite thought the skin of the monitor, but sure could blind him, and Rats do that just so you know. And yes I do eat pigs and cows, and I love KFC, but it has nothing to do with this. This is my just my experance, I do not want the monitor be harmed in ANY ways. Next time you look at a rat in the eyes, don't think he doesn;t know nothing. They are smart animals.

Seeing a monitor feeding on a live prey is fascinating. It's called NATURE. And if you like to watch it feed, you enjoy watching nature.

There's not a single problem feeding it live food. You all feed your Ts, scorps, and other herps live crickets and mealworms, don't you?

And if you're all sad about the rat being abused, think about how many chickens and cows and pigs you eat. Ever eaten KFC? You should see what the people do to the chickens.

And trust me, what is a rat going to do to a monitor? It's teeth won't be enough to penetrate through the monitor's tough scales.

It's a fact of life. Animals eat other animals. What do you think they eat in the wild? No one is out there providing them with frozen rats.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
What about plain old chicken eggs? Dont moniters eat bird eggs too for a treat?


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Yeah I've never seen them refuse eggs. But I've no idea about a staple. I once read something saying the majority of food eaten by wild monitors is actually insects, but everyone is in the midst of debate as to what monitors are actually meant to eat. I haven't read in a while as I currently don't posess a monitor so I don't know if that's changed.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2006
I used to have a boa and back then you only fed live rats. I actually got rid of the snake because my point of view changed about feeding it. All carnivorous animals eat something else but I started to feel strange feeding a tame domesticated animal to a captive non-domesticated animal. There is nothing natural about it. The "prey" is practically dropped in front of the "predator" in an enclosed space.

Additionally, rats are very intelligent, social animals. Feeding them to a reptile, which is not, seems disrespectful. When it comes to adaptability and being resourceful, rats are awesome. They are both foragers and formidable predators. People have been TRYING to exterminate them for thousands of years and can't. They live almost exclusively in close contact with us. Closer than any other animal in fact. They actually make their living off of us. Maybe the only way to get rid of them is to get rid of us.

The Norway Rat. The most successful animal on Earth.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Animals in captivity develop much more naturally when presented with varied stimuli. If you don't think a reptile's brain is complicated enough for that, you should realize that many of the best studies of this phenomenon were done on jumping spiders. That's a white lab rat, it's not even suited to live in the wild. It was bred by humans for human use...just like most of our meat cows. Most of you don't even kill your own food, you eat that burger that someone in a slaughterhouse brained with a bolt. Let the animal eat it's human produced food live...it'll give it a better life in it's little glass box.... and it obviously hasn't been injured yet. Even if that does happen....have you even seen a monitor in the wild? They are always beat up and have many injuries, and they do fine.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2006
Most of you don't even kill your own food, you eat that burger that someone in a slaughterhouse brained with a bolt.
Exactly. Killed quickly and humanely. Not ripped to bits alive.

That was nice of you to make everyone's point. Well spoken.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I'd still like to know if moniters eat bird eggs too, chicken eggs are pretty cheap at the food market, you know as a treat for your moniter.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
my Ackies Monitor did not eat eggs but my blue tailed ones did...i think if you introduce eggs as a regular part of its diet, then i dont see why not...eggs are a regular part of its savaging diet in the wild....
