wish harm upon an animal to teach a human a lesson? Great logic, there. :?Was that really necessary? I hope that rat wasnt alive when you fed it. If it was i hope next time the rat tears your monitor a new one so you might learn from this stupidity.
Live food is more enjoyable to watch! Heck the monitors love it clearly, look at them go when they see a live rat!I'm assuming the rat was alive because the blood is quite runny unless the kill was really fresh.
So yeah there's a risk of injury but that's not an issue seriously, many many people live feed. No need to argue. This dude and many others are not going to change their method.
Besides, how can one apreciate such a great specimen if he's munching on a cold corpse?
Nice photos dude, but a little over enthusiastic with the labeling there![]()
Seeing a monitor feeding on a live prey is fascinating. It's called NATURE. And if you like to watch it feed, you enjoy watching nature.
There's not a single problem feeding it live food. You all feed your Ts, scorps, and other herps live crickets and mealworms, don't you?
And if you're all sad about the rat being abused, think about how many chickens and cows and pigs you eat. Ever eaten KFC? You should see what the people do to the chickens.
And trust me, what is a rat going to do to a monitor? It's teeth won't be enough to penetrate through the monitor's tough scales.
It's a fact of life. Animals eat other animals. What do you think they eat in the wild? No one is out there providing them with frozen rats.
Exactly. Killed quickly and humanely. Not ripped to bits alive.Most of you don't even kill your own food, you eat that burger that someone in a slaughterhouse brained with a bolt.