Phrynus marginmaculatas hatching time?


Mar 6, 2021
I paired mine a month and a half ago, with taken spermatophores, so I know the eggs are probably fertilized, and my females just laid them two days ago. Interestingly, the eggs are already browning. Like from a greenish-white color to a really subtle brown. Does that mean its unfertilized and duds? If not, how long does it take for the eggs to hatch? I heard the entire process (Mating to hatching onto the mother's back took 100 or so days), so how much longer should I expect to wait knowing that they have been paired a month and a half ago. Finally, what species of springtails are best suited for the hatchlings? I heard that a sole diet of fruitflies causes molting problems up ahead, but then a few days ago, I read that springtails would cause molting problems in scorpions down the line. So, what is an ideal food source?


Oct 21, 2021
I can speak to the egg question later when I have books in front of me, but just feed pre-killed crickets. Pinheads or otherwise it shouldn't be a problem. Springtails seem like a hassle.

I've got a 4i Euphrynichus Bacilifer that almost exclusively takes pre-killed, they def don't mind