Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple Questions


Nov 27, 2024
Just ordered my first Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple. Sizing is expected to be about 1”. I’ve done my best to research and seem to be coming up with mixed results. I am curious as to typical behavior, preferences on substrate, or any other tips from people who personally own one. Thank you in advance!


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
What he said^

Any time I see “sp” I look to see where they were collected from , and if there are other phormictopi (sorry, I can’t not 😂) in the area, exactly like that, then I’ll look for comparable regions of other species

If it’s an island AND the only species of the genus found, then I start looking for other genera in the area that might live similarly.

By then you’ll be a resident phormictopus expert 😂


Mar 14, 2023
Tom's Big Spiders is a great resource for information about Phormictopus. His videos cover the genus (and this species) extensively.

Our very own @Cmac2111 and @Charliemum have beautiful examples of this species and I hate them both 😆😳


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Tom's Big Spiders is a great resource for information about Phormictopus. His videos cover the genus (and this species) extensively.

Our very own @Cmac2111 and @Charliemum have beautiful examples of this species and I hate them both 😆😳
🤣 yerp I am lucky enough to have a female of this sp 😁. Pretty sure @IntermittentSygnal has one too 😊
Very shy very bolty likes a dig and a web, they also put on massive amounts of size with each moult so give them a bigger viv then you usually would for a t that size or you will be rehousing every moult.
They are stunning though and I like the skittishness keeps me on my toes because I never know what she will do. Keeps me vigilant 😊

I will say I have not long had this girl but I have also raised slings from this genus , I did notice as slings they gravitate towards the damp spot but as adults seem to shun it but attitude seems to be the same throughout the genus at any age, shy, bolty, real fast, and will occasionally throw up a threat pose but usually in premoult, I assume they cba to bolt at that point 😆.
All in all a great sp I am sure you will enjoy keeping 😊.

This is Lolanthe my favourite pic n then one from this morning she's in premoult n the pic isn't great but it shows what she's done to get ready for moulting... n yes she did seal herself out of her burrow 😆....phormictopie 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
20241102_170607.jpg 20241128_073542.jpg


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
@Charliemum yours is so beautiful! I do have one as well, for about 10 months, currently at 2” (gained a full inch + in 6 months) and in heavy premolt now. Just moved her into a 6x6x8 in prep for that molt coming very soon. Mine is as of yet unsexed, but I’m hoping to change that with this next molt. Mine hates damp…dramatically so. If I run water down a single corner to moisten the bottom layer, she’ll stay on the wall for days. She is bold, but that last rehouse went super smooth. I recommend rehousing in premolt. She has never dig a burrow, nor used a hide. Attacks food like a Mack truck. Great species.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
@Charliemum yours is so beautiful! I do have one as well, for about 10 months, currently at 2” (gained a full inch + in 6 months) and in heavy premolt now. Just moved her into a 6x6x8 in prep for that molt coming very soon. Mine is as of yet unsexed, but I’m hoping to change that with this next molt. Mine hates damp…dramatically so. If I run water down a single corner to moisten the bottom layer, she’ll stay on the wall for days. She is bold, but that last rehouse went super smooth. I recommend rehousing in premolt. She has never dig a burrow, nor used a hide. Attacks food like a Mack truck. Great species.
See never had my girl as a sling so didn't know they hated moisture as slings, my auratus and bayahibe both seem to love the moisture so assumed they all would, good to know for future reference... knew I was right tagging you 😁 n thank you I think she is very pretty too ☺, not be long n your little floofer will be just as purple 😊😉 n 🤞🤞🤞 you have a female 💜 😉


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
See never had my girl as a sling so didn't know they hated moisture as slings, my auratus and bayahibe both seem to love the moisture so assumed they all would, good to know for future reference... knew I was right tagging you 😁 n thank you I think she is very pretty too ☺, not be long n your little floofer will be just as purple 😊😉 n 🤞🤞🤞 you have a female 💜 😉
I was really surprised at her reaction to moisture, especially when just a sling. It may just be mine, but if you notice that behavior (should you have a sling of this species in the future), try letting it dry out more. Of course she also has a water dish, but she enjoys flipping that, too, and then sitting with a leg on it so I can’t flip it back over and refill it….even while eating.

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
Their not bad. They are fast and skittish, but will retreat like most Phormics. Never had any Phormics (purple included) kick hairs which is also great. My 2 sp that seem to stand their ground the most are Cancerides and Auratus


Jan 23, 2021
Never raised one from sling but have other phormics, imagine its roughly the same... not much happened with them never really burrowed, smashed food & put on good size each molt. Glad others mentioned it above cause my AF will actively avoid any areas in her enclosure with moisture, she wants to be kept like a brachypelma haha. Mentioning brachypelma, she has the temperament of one; IDK if it's because she's a big, fully mature female but she's very bold, slow moving... a real pet rock lol. I've had none of the skittishness, shyness or defensiveness others speak of (though I could see another individual phormictopus having all these things, guess I'm lucky...) and unlike a brachy, she's never even come close to flicking hairs! What I can attest to is the appetite, mines will eat first ask questions later.

They're gorgeous animals when fully grown, big & leggy with beautiful purple hues & some blue-ish tints on the femurs. As mentioned before, my girl is very bold she will go in and out of her burrow but never really stays there for long... she's done no digging at all, just very minimal webbing. In this sense, she's a real 'display' spider, I think you'll love yours!
